SAP Program RFFMFITABS - Day-End Closing

You use this program to carry out day-end closing. The day-end closingdeactivates the balances of external bank accounts in bank accountingand closes the posting day. In addition to this, the program representsthe documents the day-end closing is based on in the time journal.
The balance totals are divided up as follows:

  • Calculated cash desk amount

  • Pending items balance

  • Actual cash desk amount

  • The calculated cash desk amount represents the posted cash deskbalance. In order to determine the calculated cash desk amount, theprogram forms the total from the calculated cash desk amount of theprevious day and the actual postings of the current posting day. As theactual posting, all document lines of the financial accounting documentsare defined that have a commitment item withFinancial transaction 80(post bank clearing, bill of exchange) or 90 (post cash holding)assigned to them.
    The pending items balance represents the share of posted cashdesk amount that was already posted but is not yet included in theactual cash desk amount. This part of the calculated cash desk amount isdisplayed separately so that the actual cash desk amount and thecalculated cash desk amount can be compared. All actual postings on FIG/L accounts are assigned to the pending item balance if the typeBank clearing account, pending item account was assigned or notype was assigned in Customizing.
    The actual cash desk amount represents the actual balance of cashand credit on the bank accounts. The actual cash desk amount is createdby the user before the posting day is closed.
    The time journal contains all actual postings of a posting day.

    In order to execute the day-end closing, you must first execute the IMGactivities in the Customizing of Funds Management Government:

    • Assign Posting Day to Company Code/FM Area

    • Maintain Summarization Key (FI Accounts) for
    • Day-End Closing

      If you have entered a closing group, the program derives the data onfinancial and company code as well as the previous, current and nextposting day.
      You can execute the program in three different modes.

      • Execute Day-End Closing

      • You can only execute day-end closing for the current posting day. Thismode represents the calculated cash desk amounts and the pending itemsbalance for the current posting day and the entry of the actual cashdesk amount using the function Enter Actual Cash Desk Amount .
        After entering the actual cash desk amounts, you can use the functiondetermine amounts to import the current actual cash desk amountsfrom the electronic account statement and the cash desk closings. Toensure that the cash desk amounts are determined correctly, the G/Laccounts relevant for day-end closing must be assigned to the house bankin section Define House Banks of theIMG. In addition, G/L accounts from different summarization keys cannotbe assigned to the same cashier for cash desk closing in the sectionAssign General Ledger Account to Cashier. Allentries should specify a cashier. If you transfer the amounts read, theyare used as default values in the entry screen for the actual cash deskamounts.
        You can use the function Display Time Journal to navigate to thetime journal.
        After entering the actual cash desk amount, it is possible to close theposting day using function Transfer Closing or to return to theentry mode. When executing the program, the affected company codes areblocked for actual postings until the closing was transferred. Whentransferring the closing, the current posting day is changed to the nextposting day on the selection screen.
        • Display Day-End Closing

        • You can execute the program in this mode for both the current and closedposting day and branch to the time journal.
          • Only Display Time Journal

          • You can execute the program in this mode for both the current and closedposting day and branch to the time journal.
            The time journal represents the actual documents of the selectedposting day.
            The screen output and the print output are based on theSAP List Viewer. Fordetails on the functions of the SAP List Viewer, read the documentationon this tool. You can find this documentation in the SAP Library, underCA - Cross-Application Components -> General Application Functions-> SAP List Viewer.
            If you want to print the total list of day-end closing to suit your ownrequirements, you can activate implement and activate Business Add-InFM_TABS_PRINT in the Customizing of Funds Management Governmentin IMG activity BADI: Definition of Print Layoutfor Day-End Closing