SAP Program RFFMFG_TRANS_REG - Federal Transaction Register

Federal Transaction Register

The purpose of this report is to list the individual line items thathave been posted to the 95 ledger table. The 95 ledger items representall postings against the 95, 96, and 97 ledgers. Therefore, this reportcan be used to display 96 and 97 line item information.

The report displays the transaction register based on the line items inthe 95 line item table FMUSFGA.


  • Complete all posting-related configuration first. The field movement
  • configuration in the federal government account assignment functionneeds to be highlighted since it defines the fields being populatedduring postings and are only then available for this report. (Referencetransaction: FMFGDRVCOCKPIT_IMG)
    • Have federal government business transactions already posted and items
    • available in the 95 line item table FMUSFGA.


      • You can define specific reporting layouts to display the information
      • according to the detail in the 95, 96, and 97 ledgers.
        • You can use the pushbutton in the selection screen to define the query
        • for recent user specific transactions.
          • This is an ABAP report using the ABAP List Viewer (ALV) tool.

          • After running the report, you may sort it, use filters, change the
          • fields display, create and save variants. You can also drill down totheoriginal document.

            The selection screen offers selection criteria on various generalfields. In addition the selection screen allows selections to fieldswith financial references. You can use dynamic selections to define thequeries based on all fields in the 95 line item table FMUSFGA.

            • The selection screen includes a Show by original document flag.
            • Check this to have the report display all the postings relating to atransaction.
              • The selection screen includes a Fill Text Descriptions flag. When
              • checked the program retrieves the description text to a variety ofcharacteristic fields like the fund for example. This functionality canenhance the runtime of this program and can be switched off if notneeded.

                The report displays transactions showing all attributes selected. Onceyou have the data in the desired format, you can print it or export itto a text file. All FMUSFGA data is available for reporting purposes,plus an original reference number including a suffix, specifying asequential number for recurring adjustments of this item.

705329FACTS II - Program Reporting Category Attribute