SAP Program RFFMFG_SF132 - SF 132 - Apportionment and Reapportionment Schedule

The SF132 report is a major part of the US Federal apportionmentprocess since it is used to display the agencies' apportionmentschedule to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The report listsappropriations and apportionments on the Treasury fund account level(application of fund). These budgeting figures are entered using the FMbudgeting tool. The requirements for this report are published andspecify its output in detail, as well as the characteristics behindeach reporting line, in a crosswalk.

The report is created using the ALV toolset. It supports definingreporting lines displayed inside of a reporting layout customizingtool, capture of prior reported information, drilldown, and the Excelinplace for showing the information.
·,,Report Layout customizing (OFMFGRLAYOUT)
The report layout definition is assigned to a report by means of itsprogram ID. The definition should be that all layouts SAP deliversstart with a number. Customers can define their layouts within the Z orY name range. Each new sequence needs to be associated with a reportlayout.
The reporting line displays the line number. One line can be made up ofmultiple sequences. Necessary information for each line is whether todisplay the line, display the line number, as well as thecharacteristics information defined by the crosswalk.
In addition to the crosswalk and to achieve a proper drilldown, thecharacteristics are grouped so that they do not exclude themselves. Thereport layout definition can be displayed using reportRFMFGRLAYOUT. This report contains moreinformation on how to view the layout definition.
·,,Abap List Viewer (ALV)
The ALV toolset supports integration with external reporting packagesas well as analytical formatting tools. The default makes ALV veryrestrictive to display this report. However, Excel inplace is enabled,so that the require Excel sheet can be populated. This function isdelivered within the ALV layout variant 0SAPSF132. Make sure thisvariant is available in the working client. You can only specify thisALV layout variant when all OMB input parameters are correctlypopulated. If you switch to this ALV layout variant, the Excel inplaceshould come up if your local environment is supported.
Drill down by double clicking characteristic key figure lines. Thedrilldown is supported on the whole line except in the column "Amountsto latest SF132". The drilldown goes through a selection process tofind the lowest level of the characteristic definition. The report isthe standard receiver report used for drilldown into all Federalledgers.
·,,Capture of prior reported information
The first amount column displays information send to OMB in the latestSF132. This process is controlled by the user. Before sending theinformation to OMB, the user can save the agency request amounts. Theyare captured together with a descriptive text and come up in the futureas "Amounts to latest SF132#". The function keeps the latest capturedamount columns, up to a maximum of 10. They can be picked to thecurrent display. The information button displays the current displayedcaptured amounts.

The report requires specification of the reporting layout. It shouldrepresent the crosswalk definition in a 1:1 ratio. The FM budgetdocument amounts should be entered per the crosswalk. This isspecifically the case for characteristics defined to line 8 since theydepend on the budget type field.

Company code, fiscal year, and the "to" period are required informationon the selection screen. This report is an annual report, but the "ToPeriod" variable in the selection screen allows you to generate thereport up to the specified period. Note that periods 13 through 16 arespecified by the federal government. The organizational level can bedefined using the application of funds. In addition, OMB-specific inputparameters need to be entered if the Excel functionality is to be madeavailable.

The output displays the key figures in the last reported and currentagency totals. The report rows are defined by the reporting layoutreferencing the crosswalk. The report also outputs the enteredselection screen. This information sheet comes out automatically,appended to the statement during a background print process.

748405RFFMFG_SF132: ALV layout 0SAPSF132 does not call excel