SAP Program RFFMFG_IPAC_CNFRM - IPAC Upload File Confirmation Process

US Federal IPAC Confirmation Process

This is the SAP IPAC Confirmation process. It confirms whether theUS Treasury IPAC system accepted and rejected payment/collectiontransactions in SAP system.
The accepted confirmation process creates a clearing document to clearthe FIT "in-transit" document created when the original invoice wasdownloaded into IPAC bulk file during the US Federal IPAC bulk filecreation process. The rejected transaction is confirmed with "Rejected"status in the SAP database; its DIT "in-transit" document is reversedand the original invoice is set to "open" again.
The main functions of the program are as follows:

  • Validate record counts from IPAC's Batch Processing Report, including
  • the information on accepted transactions, rejected transactions, totaltransactions, and total accepted transaction amount.
    • Identify IPACing transactions from SAP by using document reference
    • numbers originally generated in SAP. Extract IPAC rejected transactionsby using the relative record number supplied by IPAC's Batch ProcessingReport.
      • Validate IPAC total accepted transaction dollar amount. There is no
      • offset between payment and collection of IPAC total accepted amounts.
        • Perform rejected transaction confirmation.

        • This resets the original invoice to "open" for processing and reversesthe DIT "In-Transit" document created in IPAC Bulk File CreationProcess. In the IPAC status table, the transaction status is set toRejected.
          • Perform accepted transaction confirmation.

          • This creates a clearing document against the DIT "In-Transit" documentand updates the SAP IPAC status table with 'Accepted' status.
            • Generate a report list of SAP IPAC confirmed transactions.

            • Generate a standard error log.
            • Prerequisites
              The original sender agency has received an IPAC batch processing report.

              The selection screen has the following sections:

              • Sender Information.

              • This is the IPACing agency information, containing information on thesender agency company code, Agency Location Code, Payment Office, andFiscal Station Number.
                • Batch Processing Report

                • The information of Treasury's IPAC Batch Processing Report must beentered in this section. It includes the following information:
                  Treasury Assigned File ID
                  Processing Date Range
                  Transactions Accepted
                  Enter the number of transactions accepted.
                  Transactions Rejected
                  Enter the number of transactions rejected.
                  Total Transactions
                  Enter the total number of transactions; calculate this by addingtogether the numbers entered in the Transactions Accepted andTransactions Rejected fields.
                  Amount of Accepted Transactions
                  Enter the money total reached by the number of accepted transactions youentered in the Transactions Accepted field.
                  Document Reference Number
                  • Clearing Information

                  • Enter the document date and posting date. You can also enter a postingperiod.
                    • Rejected Transactions

                    • Use this section to specify the transactions rejected by IPACConfirmation.
                      • Test Mode

                      • You can simulate a program run before posting.

                        A standard ALV list and an error log are created to display the IPACConfirmation Process status.