SAP Program RFFMFG_IPAC - IPAC Upload File Creation Process

Send Upload to Treasury - US Federal IPAC Bulk File Creation Process

This is a process to interface with US Federal IPAC(Intra-governmental Payments and Collections) system, an internet systembased on GOALS II applications for inter-agency payment and collectiontransactions.
This program handles both collection and payment transactions downloadedfrom SAP. Its main functions are to:

  • Download payment and collection transactions from the SAP System to a
  • bulk file residing in either a local workstation or an applicationserver, with the format required by the Treasury IPAC system in GOALS IIof the Federal Reserve.
    • Generate document reference numbers for each downloaded transaction for
    • identification purposes later when the IPAC result comes back fromTreasury.
      • Create FI 'In Transit' document to clear the original invoice document
      • for each downloaded transaction in the IPAC bulk file.
        • Create an entry in SAP IPAC status table and file ID table and update
        • accounting document with 'in transit' status of each downloadedtransaction in outgoing IPAC bulk file.
          • Generate a report list of downloaded collection and payment transactions
          • in IPACing bulkfile and their clearing documents
            • Generate a standard log file for errors.
            • Prerequisites
              Invoices are not blocked for dunning or payment.

              The input interface for the program is US Federal IPAC Bulk FileCreation Process. The selection screen has the following sections:

              • Sender Information

              • Use this section to enter information on the IPAC bulk file sender,including their Agency Location Code, Payment Office, and Fiscal StationNumber.
                • Receiver Information

                • Use this section to enter information on the IPAC bulk file receiver.The receiver is a customer, vendor, or trading partner of the sendingagency.
                  • Invoice Information

                  • Invoice information includes company code, document number, fiscal year,document type, and posting cutoff date.
                    • Processing Options

                    • Here you can choose between collection, payment, or both, to downloadthe IPAC bulk file sent to Treasury.
                      • Outgoing IPAC Bulk File

                      • Use this section specify whether the bulk file should be downloaded to alocal workstation or an application server.
                        • Test Mode

                        • In this section, check the "Simulate (No DB Update)" option if you wantto run the program in test mode first. If you do this, you can also optto have the program generate a review output file.

                          A standard ALV list and error log is generated to reflect the contentsof the IPAC bulk file and its processing status.