SAP Program RFFMFG_ARP - Report on Receivables From Public

This is a management report used to monitor accounts receivablesrelating to public sector customers. Although management may want to runthe report periodically as a management tool, the overall agency reportmust also be submitted to Treasury.

Improper Invoice reason codes must be maintained in the ImplementationGuide (IMG). Choose Public Sector Management -> Functions For USFederal Government -> Prompt Payment Act -> Invoice Classification ->Maintain Reason Codes For Invoices.

The report classifies receivables and payments based on reason codesmaintained when parked invoices are created or changed.

The selection screens contain options for controlling the data to beincluded, as well as some configuration on how the data should beincluded. For a typical run, only the data options need to be available,while the configuration options are, in most cases, already filled inand included in the run variant.

Data Selection
The report is run for a certain fiscal year extending up to andincluding a given posting period.
While the report is mandated to include only the receivables from publicbodies, there is the option of including all receivables.
Reversals may affect the figures, so you can choose between including orexcluding them. If you choose to exclude them, they do not form part ofthe figures reported, but are presented separately for review. The onlyexception to this are reversed documents open at the beginning of thefiscal year. Those documents are included in the beginning balance, andwill be included in the list of reversed documents as well.

Use the document type fields on the Selection tab to classifydocuments between Receivables and their Collections,. List here alldocument types that are to be classified as Receivables. All otherdocument types, found to debit or credit relevant accounts receivableare going to be classified as Collections.
The Reason Code Mapping tab provides a way to map userconfigurable reason codes to internally defined flag categories. Thesame reason code may be included in more then one flag category. In suchcases, a document with that particular reason code attached, will beconsidered as flagged in all flag categories where said reason code ismapped.
This report is designed to register only the impact on certain accounts(receivable). There are eight account sets and they each impact certainlines in the report. The account numbers that belong to each of the setsare defined on the Accounts Configuration tab.

Some configuration work is needed before you can process the followinglines in the report:

  • Part I, Section A, Foreign/Sovereign

  • Part I, Section A, State and Local Government

  • Part I, Section B, Commercial

  • Part I, Section B, Consumer

  • To do this work, proceed as follows:
    Go to the Implementation Guide (IMG) and choose Enterprise Structure-> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> Define Company.
    In the resulting view, make the following new entries:
    Company,,,,Company Name,,,,,,Country
    SNL,,,,State and Local Government,,,,US,,
    Having saved these entries, return to the main IMG and choose PublicSector Management -> Functions for US Federal Government -> -> GeneralSettings -> Define Trading Partner Exceptions.
    In the resulting view, make the entries listed below. Use the F4 helpfor the Trading Partner field:
    Tr. Prt.,,,,Customer Type
    FOR,,,,Foreign/Sovereign Government
    SNL,,,,State and Local Government
    COM,,,,Commercial Customer
    CON,,,,Consumer Customer
    The customer master data should indicate the customer type. To bringthis about, maintain the field Trading Partner in the customer masterdata for customers.
    Please note that each of the above Tr. prt. and Name of the companyfield values should first exist as a company entry. If it does not, usethe following path in the IMG to add it as listed below:
    Enterprise Structure -> Definition -> Financial Accounting -> DefineCompany
    Company,,,,Company Name
    SNL,,,,,,State & Local
    NONFED,,,,Non Federal Agencies