SAP Program RFFMFGT_OFFSET_UPDATE - Treasury Offset Update Report

With this report, you can update the Treasury Offset Status foruncleared records that meet the selection criteria.

You can update records with any of the following statuses:

  • Eligible for Offset

  • Indicates that the document meets requirements for offset and should beincluded in the next transmission to Treasury.
    • Eligible for Offset, Under Investigation

    • Indicates that the document has been flagged, but should not be pickedin the next Treasury transmission (investigation needs to be completed).
      • Referred to Treasury, Uncollected

      • Document was already picked up and transmitted to Treasury. It should beexcluded from further files.
        • Referred to Treasury, Collected

        • Treasury able to recover money and sends it to the agency (using OPAC).
          • Reset/Clear Value

          • Offset status of record is set to blank.
            Customer BAdI RFFMFG_TREA_OFFSET supplied.
            • Method GET_DATE_FIELD - Define date used in aging calculation. The
            • delivered default code sets the baseline date as the default date usedfor the aging calculation.

              The selection screen consists of:

              • Required fields:

              • Company Code
                Document Type
                Document Age Limits in Days
                • Optional fields:

                • Fiscal Year
                  Document Number
                  Document Date
                  Posting Date
                  Baseline Date
                  Entry Date
                  Customer Number
                  Date Referred to Treasury
                  Treasury Offset Status
                  Key Date
                  Auto Fill Offset Value
                  Auto Update Reason Code
                  Manually Update Reason Code
                  Days for Delinquency Status

                  An application log summarizes the total number of records

                  You can start this report by running transaction RTREAS_OFFSET_UPDATE.
                  The reason code may be updated automatically in three ways as follows:
                  By choosing an auto fill offset value other than blank and choosing theauto update reason code field;
                  By choosing the auto update reason code field and then on the displayedoutput, double clicking on a value in the Treasury Offset Status column
                  By double clicking on the Reset/Clear Value for the Treasury Offsetstatus column on the displayed output.
                  The reason code so updated by the first two ways is added to the firstnon-blank reason code column (and seen in the displayed output).
                  Depending on the Treasury Offset value, the program chooses theappropriate reason code as shown in the table below:
                  Treasury Offset Value ,,Reason Code Updated to:
                  Eligible for Offset ,,Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Offset
                  Eligible for Offset, Under Investigation ,,Eligible for Referral toTreasury for Offset
                  Referred to Treasury, Uncollected ,,Referred to Treasury for Offset
                  Referred to Treasury, Collected ,,Referred to Treasury for Offset
                  When the reason code is updated by the third way mentioned above (wherethe Treasury Offset Status is assigned a blank value), if either of theabove two reason codes (Eligible for Referral to Treasury for Offset orReferred to Treasury for Offset) are present, then these codes areremoved.
                  The delinquency status of documents may be updated in the background.You may add a certain number of days to the field Days for DelinquencyStatus. This number of days is added to the net due date of thedocuments (including the payment terms) and then compared with today'sdate to determine whether the document is past due.
                  Then when you run the Treasury Receivables Report (TROR), usingtransaction FMFG_RCV, the document is placed in the appropriate line inSection B, Delinquent Debt by Age.