SAP Program RFFMFGTCREV_CHECKS - Treasury Confirmation: Reverse Single Check

Use this program to reverse single checks or ranges of checks, butnot whole check runs, issued under the Treasury Confirmationprocess.
When a check or a range of checks is entered, the clearing documentsare reset and reversed, the payment documents are reset and reversed,and the checks are voided and deleted. The original vendor invoice isblocked for further investigation unless the reason is reason code "A",a payment is immediately recertified and the vendor invoice block flagis removed.

The program triggers transactions to reset and reverse documents, andsubmits a program to delete checks.


  • Treasury Confirmation has taken place and checks have been issued.

  • Reversal reasons have been configured in the IMG.
  • Selection
    The selection screen comprises the following sections:

    • Check Reversal Information, including the house bank, account ID, and
    • check number(s). The check number(s) must be entered.
      • Reversal Posting Detail

      • This includes the company code, fiscal year, posting date, postingperiod, and the reason for the reversal.
        The company code, fiscal year, and reversal reason are required fields.For the posting date and period, the system defaults the current dateand period.
        • Recertified Payment Status

        • Radio buttons for recertified payment initiated immediately orrecertified payment postponed.
          • If you want to run the program in test mode first, check the
          • Simulate box.

            A list of the docments reversed is printed.