SAP Program RFFMFGAUTOTCONFIRM - Treasury Confirmation - Automated Processing

RFFMFGAUTOTCONFIRM - Treasury Confirmation - Automated Processing

This program reads an input file and executes the Treasury Confirmation(RFFMFGAUTOTC which accepts the schedule confirmation informationavailable from the GOALS Agency Confirmation Report, creates check infofor the payments (generates numbers starting with FW for Fedwires andOS for Offsets)). It then generates a SWIFT format file for input tothe electronic bank statement program. The electronic bank statementprogram can be started by this program. Checks should be length 13(other than FedWires) and the range with 9 in the first character isreserved for offsets.

GOALS Agency Confirmation Report information must be available forpayment schedule files produced for U.S. Treasury by the appropriateprint program from the payment program.



  • Input File name,,,,,,- Source File(GOALS) used to feed the program

  • PC File,,,,,,,,- Flag indicating if the source file is located in local
  • workstation
    • Agency Location Code

    • File name

    • File name should contain a dollar sign ($) when more than one scheduleis being processed. This is replaced with the schedule number when thefiles are created.
      • Start Bank Stmt Reconciliation

      • Variant name

      • Test

      • With file creation
        Without file creation
        • Background Job

        • Create a background job and its job name.