SAP Program RFFMFGAPCR - Accountable Property Asset Creation

This program creates assets in Asset Accounting and posts values tothose assets.

Information from Materials Management (MM) is used to create assets. TheMM purchase order, goods receipt, and invoice receipt are used assources of information, as well as the Accountable Propertiescustomizing.

You must customize the settings for Accountable Property beforeexecuting this report:

  • General Settings for Accountable Properties

  • Transaction Types

  • Account Assignment Categories

  • Movement Types
  • Activities
    There are two Business Add-Ins which give enhanced functionality to theAccountable Property programs:

    • BAdI FMFG_AC_PROP_CFG_CB allows you to use another dimension to
    • differentiate the different value thresholds that constitute AccountableProperty.
      • BAdI FMFG_AC_PROP_VAL allows you to edit the data the program has
      • collected before it is passed to the create asset BAPI or postacquisition BAPI. You can change the values the program has determinedor add values that were not available to the system (userdefined/programmed values).
        These BAdI's can be viewed with their corresponding documentation usingtransaction SE18.