SAP Program RFFMFCP1 - Copy Master Data to Euro FM Area

You use program RFFMFCP1 to transfer master data changes carriedout in the original FM area to the Euro FM area assigned as copy. Thisguarentees an identical Funds Management master data status in both FMareas. The program always executes this master data matching for allmaster data. In the production run all master data records to be copiedare locked during the runtime of the program in the original FM areaand in the euro FM area. You cannot make any master data changes duringthe runtime.
You can then only continue working in the Euro FM area after the masterdata matching is completed without errors. The program flow isterminated as soon as an error arises. If the master data copying inthe production run ends with an error, you must start the programagain.
In the step Display management recordsEuro FM area you can check the log data and the incorrect or correctstatus of the Euro FM area.

  • You have executed the program Create Euro FM area
  • successfully.
    • The program starts by executing an authorization check. To execute the
    • program you must first have the activity (71) FMAU_EU_MCP (copymaster data in Euro) for the authorization object F_FICB_FKR (FMarea).

      The program executes mass processing of data. So start the program inthe production run in the background.
      Start the program
      Enter the required data and choose Test run.
      If desired, execute an error correction until the test run finisheswithout errors.
      Remove the indicator Test run and execute the program in theproduction run.

      Whether a test run has been or not, is indicated in the header line.
      The following output lists are possible:

      • An error log at program termination in a test run or update run.

        • After a successful update run:

        • There is an output of a list of tables and the deleted or copiedentries in them.

          Technical Note
          In some of the copied table entries the object number is used insteadof the FM area in the key. An object number is either FK + FM Area (forexample, FKFIKRS for FM area FIKRS) or FS + FM Area + Funds Center (forexample, FSFIKRS1 for FM area FIKRS and Funds center 1).

          Original FM area: FIK1
          Euro FM area : FIKE
          Test run: ' '
          In this case, all master data from FM area FIK1 in transferred to EuroFM area FIKE. At entry, a check is done whether Euro FM area FIKE isassigned to FM area FIK1.

          • Documentation for the Create budget in Euro process.

          • Report documentation Create Euro FM area