SAP Program RFFMFCP0 - Create Euro FM Area

You use program RFFMFCP0 to generate a new euro FM area from thedata of your original FM area. The euro FM area generated in this wayserves only to enter budget of budget versions in euro. In the euro FMarea all currency keys and all local currency amounts are managed ineuro.
When copying, all Customizing entries relevant for creating budgetversions and Funds Management master data are transferred into the euroFM area. The budget structure is also copied.
You can also transfer the original budget data in version 0 to
the euro FM area, restricted according to fiscal years. No hierarchyline items are transferred, only budget totals records.
Data from the budget parking, especially workflow data, is not copiedinto the euro FM area. There is no reconciliation of the convertedbudget data.
You can only budget in the new euro FM area once the program has beencompleted without errors. The programm process flow is terminated assoon as an error arises. If you then start the program again, all tableentries copied into the euro FM area are deleted. The program thenrestarts with the complet data copy.
You cannot repeat the program after a successful production run. Ifthere are master data changes in your FM area during the "active doubleFM area maintenance", then you execute these changes, as usual, in theoriginal FM area and update the data in the euro FM area with theprogram RFFMFCP1 (step: Update master data in theEuro FM area).
In the step Display euro FM areamanagement records, you can check the log data of all activities andthe incorrect or correct status of the euro FM area.

  • The program starts by executing an authorization check. To execute the
  • program you must first have the activity (70) FMAU_EU_CRE (Createeuro FM area) for the authorization object F_FICB_FKR (FM area)

    • Before the program flow there is a check to see if table entries
    • already exist for the euro FM area to be created.
      If table entries are found, they must be deleted before the program cancreate the euro FM area.
      Also note:
      • You can only assign a euro FM area to an original FM area. It is not
      • possible to copy another euro FM area from an exising euro FM area.
        • The program carries out mass processing of data. Ensure that enough
        • memory space is available beforehand.
          • In the production run all master data records to be copied during the
          • run time of the progrdam are blocked in the original FM area. It is notpossible to change master data during runtime. If additional budgetdata is transferred to the euro FM area, no budget changes can becarried out during runtime.

            The program carries out a mass processing of data. Start the program inthe production run in the background.
            Start the program
            Enter the required data and choose Test run.
            If desired, execute an error correction until the test run finisheswithout errors.
            Remove the indicator Test run and execute the program in theproduction run.

            In the production run the program causes mass changes on the database.New table entries are inserted. The number of inserted data records perfile are issued in the log. No change documents are written.
            In the header it is specified in each case if you have carried out atest run.
            The following output lists are possible:

            • On entry check already existing database entries are found:

            • A list of the tables and the entries found in them is issued.
              • You start the program again after a production run with errors:

              • A list of the tables and the entries deleted in them and the entriesrepeatedly copied in them is issued.
                • After a successful production run:

                • A list of the tables and the copied entries is issued.

                  Technical note
                  In some of the copied table entries it is not the FM area that is usedin the key, but the object number. An object number is either FK + FMarea (e.g. FKFIKRS for FM area FIKRS) or FS + FM area + funds center(e.g. FSFIKRS1 for FM area FIKRS and funds center 1).

                  Original FM area: FIK1
                  Euro FM area : FIKE
                  Currency key euro: EUR
                  Transfer budget data: X
                  From-fiscal year budget data: 2000
                  Test run: ' '
                  In this example all Customizing settings and master data
                  relevant to budgeting is transferred to the euro FM area FIKe. Thelocal currency of the euro FM area is EUR.
                  In addition, all original budget data (payment and commitment budget)of
                  version 0 is converted to EUR and copied from the year 2000.
                  The budget data for overall values version 0 is also copied.

                  • Documentation on the process Budget creation in euro

                  • Program documentation Update master data in euro FM
                  • area