SAP Program RFFMERLK - Complete earmarked funds (items)

Complete Earmarked Funds (Line Items)

You can use this program to set or reset the completed indicator forall the chosen Earmarked Funds forindividual line items.

Setting the completion indicator for a document has the followingeffects:

  • No further changes to the item are possible.

  • You cannot reference this item when posting.

  • If the item has not been completely reduced by follow-on documents
  • (funds precommitments, funds commitments, invoices), the open amountwill be returned to the budget. The assigned value of the FM accountassignment will be reduced accordingly.
    Resetting the completed indicator has the following effects:
    • You can change the line item again.

    • You can reference this item when posting.

    • The line item assigns budget again with open amount.

    • If a program run flags all the line items in a document as completed,you can also flag the entire document in this program run by youselecting Close Document Automatically. This prevents new itemsbeing added to this document.
      To flag an entire document as completed together with uncompleted lineitems, you can use the Close Earmarked Funds (WholeDocument) program.

      If errors occur, the system displays an error log, listing all thedocuments where errors occurred, along with the reasons for the errors.Errors can be caused, for example, by a document being blocked or ifyou do not have authorization to change the document.
      Note: When you have analyzed and corrected the reason for theerror, you can run the program again. Choose the same criteria as youchose during the defective run. You should do this for the followingreason:
      The program uses "packages" to improve performance. Packages combine anumber of documents so that they can processed together. If an erroroccurs in a package, the program terminates and subsequent packages arenot processed. However, the documents not processed for this reason donot appear in the error log.