SAP Program RFFMERKK - Close Earmarked Funds (Full Document)

Completing Earmarked Funds (Whole Documents)

You can use this program to set the "completed" indicator for allEarmarked Funds at header level. If adocument is flagged as "completed" at header level, you can no longeredit the document; more specifically, you cannot add any new documentline items.

The program flags all documents as "completed" according to the givenselection criteria if all the documents' line items are already set to"completed". (You can flag individual document line items as completedusing the Complete Earmarked Funds (Line Items) )program.
You can also use this program to complete an entire document thatcontains line items that are not yet completed by choosing CompleteAll Line Items.

You can choose the documents to be completed using specific documentheader data, such as document number, document type, document category,or person who created the document.

If an error occurs, the system issues an error log which lists all thedocuments in which errors occurred and the cause of each error.Possible causes of errors include a blocked document or noauthorization for changing the document.
Note: If you have analyzed and eliminated the cause of an error,you can run the program again. You should however choose the sameselection criterial as for the run which discovered the errors. This isfor the following reason:
To improve performance, the program works with "packages". Severaldocuments are grouped together in a package so that they can beprocessed together. If an error occurs in a package, the program isterminated and any additional packages will not be processed. Thedocuments that have not been processed are not recorded in the errorlog.