SAP Program RFFMEP30X - PBET - Annual Budget Vs. Commt./Actual Line Items

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PBET - Line items for Annual Budget Vs. Commitments/Actuals

This report is used to display annual budget versus commitment/actualline items for period-based encumbrance/actual tracking.

The report can display the original document on the drilldown of ancommitment/actual line item or a budget line item (in case of MixedView). The user can also drilldown to this report from a line of thetotals report(PBET - Totals for Annual Budget Vs. Commitments/Actuals).


  • FM must be active.

  • Period-Based Encumbrance Tracking (PBET) must be active.

  • Documents must have been posted.
  • Features
    This report lists the actual postings which have been posted in thesender systems, such as FM, MM, FI and CO, and tracks the open itemsand actuals in FM on a periodic basis. These line items are sorted byposting date.
    Each line item is categorized based on the value type and the amountvalues are assigned to different columns in the list with respect tovalue types. The columns and their respective value types are listed:

    • Payments: Payments, Payment transfers, Profit transfers, Down payments
    • and Actual CO postings.
      • Invoices: Invoices and Parked Documents.

      • Budget: Cash budget, Cash release, Cash budget commitments and Cash
      • release commitments.
        • Open Items: All other value types.

        • Using the amount values of these columns, the values for the columns'Budget - Payments', 'Budget - Invoices' and 'Available budget' arecalculated. The formula depends on the report view selected by theuser.
          Unmixed View:
          This view shows the evolution of total budget/release per accountassignment per fiscal year by displaying the encumbrance/actual lineitems posted on it.
          The total distributable budget/release, 'Total Budget' is calculatedper account assignment per fiscal year.
          • Formula for the first line item:

          • 'Budget - Payments' = 'Total Budget' - 'Payments'.
            'Budget - Invoices' = 'Total Budget' - 'Payments' - 'Invoices'.
            'Available Budget' = 'Total Budget' - 'Payments' - 'Invoices'
            - 'Open Items'.
            • Formula for all the other items:

            • 'Budget - Payments' = Previous 'Budget - Payments' - 'Payments'.
              'Budget - Invoices' = Previous 'Budget - Invoices' - 'Payments'
              - 'Invoices'.
              'Available Budget' = Previous 'Available Budget' - 'Payments'
              - 'Invoices' - 'Open Items'.
              Mixed View:
              This view displays the evolution of the budget/release by displayingboth the budget/release and the encumbrance/actual line items posted onit.
              The value of Previous 'Budget - Payments', Previous 'Budget - Invoices'and Previous 'Available Budget' is zero for the first line item.
              • Formula for all the line items:

              • 'Budget - Payments' = 'Budget' + Previous 'Budget - Payments'
                - 'Payments'.
                'Budget - Invoices' = 'Budget' + Previous 'Budget - Invoices'
                - 'Payments' - 'Invoices'.
                'Available Budget' = 'Budget' + Previous 'Available Budget'
                - 'Payments' - 'Invoices' - 'Open Items'.


                • FM area

                • Fund

                • Funds center and related information

                • Funds center and related information

                • Fiscal year

                • Report currency related information

                • Budget or Release

                • Payment Budget or Commitment Budget

                • Mix budget and actuals

                  • You cannot sort the list because the evolution of the budget is based
                  • on dates.
                    • You can execute the report only for an account assignment combination
                    • that has a budget assigned to it. When it is executed for an accountassignment which has no budget, the system reports that no records arefound. In this case, the report has to be started at a funds center orcommitment item higher up in the hierarchy. This is because a documentcan be posted on an account assignment combination that has no budgetthough the budget is expended from a funds center/commitment item thatis at a higher level in the hierarchy.
                      • When you execute the report for releases when the availability control
                      • is based on the budget and vice versa, the values displayed by thereport may not be correct.
                        • The 'Mixed View' of the report may display negative interim values for
                        • available budget. Though the interim values might not reflectavailability control, the end result (that is, the subtotal line)always does .