SAP Program RFFMDLPF_NEW - Reset PAYFLG (Cleared Invoices)

As a rule, completely converted invoices are flagged with the indicatorPAYFLAG = 'X' so that they are no longer selected from the paymentselection (program RFFMS200).
This program deletes this indicator for the selected invoices so thatinvoices already completely converted become relevant for the paymentselection again. Any errors that ocurred can then be corrected, evenfor invoices that are already closed - this is done by implementing aSAP Note or using a Support Package. Start the payment selection againto make the correction. This reverses incorrect payment records andgenerates corrected records.
Alternatively, all or individual payment records can be deleted forselected invoices. This means that no reversal records are created whenthe new payment selection is carried out.

When you close posting periods (such as, posting day, posting month)in FM, you should check whether you want to delete the payment recordsfrom posting periods that are already closed. Deleting paymentrecords can change posting periods that are already closed which meansthese period-end closings then have to be corrected!


Document selection:,,FI document data of the invoice to be corrected
Documents to be processed

  • Whole document bundle:,,As well as the specified invoice document, all
  • other invoices that are connected to this document by the same paymentdocument number are processed (these were also converted together).
    • Single document:,,,,,,Only the specified invoice is processed

    • Type of Processing
      • Delete pay flag only:,,,,No payment records are deleted, this means
      • that old posting periods are not changed. The documents can beprocessed again from the payment selection.
        • Reduction-/ delete payment records:,, For processing invoices, all
        • reduction- and payment records of the current FM year are deleted.Payment records from previous FM years cannot be deleted if a fiscalyear change has not taken place. For FM payment records that perhapscannot be reconstructed with the payment selection, the FM subsequentposting is called.
          • Selecting records to be deleted:,,For processing invoices, you can
          • choose which reduction and payment records should be deleted. Onlyselected records are deleted.
            • Test run:,,,,,,You should use the test run to check that only those FM
            • records you want to delete are actually deleted.
              • Incl. payment selection:,,You can call the payment selection directly
              • for creating corrected records.