SAP Program RFFMDL90_ISPS - Call Program for Deleting Budget Data

Deletion of budget data in background

Using this program you can delete budget data in component FundsManagement Government. You use this program to remove unnecessarydata (such as test data) from the system before production startup.

Before starting the program for the first time, you must previouslyhave created object FIFMBU and subobject DEL01 forbackground processing under Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Development-> Other Tools -> Application Log.

You can execute the program during the update run or the test run. Ifyou execute the program during the test run, you will get an overviewof the range of budget records that can be deleted.
The program is executed in the background. This allows a job to begenerated automatically and the entry parameters to be saved in anapplication log file. You can have the application log file displayedusing transaction SLG1.
Although you can use the the program to delete large amounts of budgetdata by entering a large selection area (such as all budget data for anFM area), it is advisable for performance reasons to split the amountof data into smaller units.

You can restrict the selection of budget data to be deleted for an FMarea by entering:

  • Fiscal years

  • Funds

  • Budget versions

  • If you do not restrict your selection and leave all entry fields empty,the budget data will be deleted for the whole FM area.
    The overall values for an FM area are only deleted by the program, ifyou have selected all fiscal years.

    During the test run you get a list or the number of budget records thatcan be deleted for each database table.
    If you execute the program during the update run, a column of deleteddata records will also be output.