SAP Program RFFMDL50 - Program for Deleting Funds Line Items

You use this program to delete the line items in Cash Budget Management(table FMEP). Totals and balances remain in place: use the standarddeletion program RFFMDL52 to delete them.

It is a particularly good idea to delete the transaction data if youwant to delete it all and then reconstruct it. The advantage of thisprogram over the standard RFFMDL52 program is that it uses a differenttechnique to access the database and is, as a result, significantlyfaster.
But it is also a good idea to delete old data if you are certain you nolonger need it. This reduces table FMEP to a reasonable size. Archivingdata also relieves the pressure on system performance.


  • You must specify the FM area and fiscal year/period (based on the
  • period variant for the FM area). All line items with a year/periodearlier than, or the same as, the one you enter are removed.
    If you want to delete all l ine items, enter year "9999" and anyperiod.
    You can restrict the program run to particular company codes (in thechosen FM area) and line item value categories.
    • When run in test mode, the program simply counts the line items to be
    • deleted. It does not actually delete them.

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