SAP Program RFFMDI10 - Direct input for budget entry

This report allows you to usedirect input to importbudget data from an external file (Unix file or PC file) to the SAPSystem for the Public Sector Management component.
Data records that the system could not import due to an error, arewritten to a batch inputsession which you can later run inbatch input.
You can use this report for the following budget change transactions:

  • Enter original budget (FR50)

  • Enter release (FR51)

  • Enter supplement (FR52)

  • Enter return (FR53)

  • Park original budget (FR61)

  • Park release (FR62)

  • Park supplement (FR63)

  • Park return (FR64)

  • Normal;Distribute original budget (FR54)

  • Distribute release (FR55)

  • Distribute supplement (FR56)

  • Distribute return (FR57)

  • Park original budget distribution (FR65)

  • Park release distribution (FR66)

  • Park supplement distribution (FR67)

  • Park return distribution (FR68)

  • Transfer budget (FR58)

  • Park budget transfer (FR69)

  • For more information on transferring budget data, refer to the SAPLibrary, under Transfer Budget Data.

    Before running the report, you must make sure that all necessary masterdata and hierarchies are in the target FM area, and that you haveperformed all required Customizing steps successfully.

    The report creates an action log regardless of whether the job wascompleted successfully or a data record rejected.