SAP Program RFFMDERIVATIONANALYSIS_REAS - Analysis Report of Reassignment Derivation

Short text
Analysis Report of Reassignment Derivation

This program provides a report that displays the results of using thederivation tool with the "reassignment" type of derivation. (In stepsof type Reassignment, values previously assigned to a particular targetfield are removed from it and assigned to a different target field.Reassignments usually occur after a Funds Management (FM) closingoperation has been carried out. A reassignment derivation strategy isdefined and then assigned to an FM area for a particular sender fiscalyear and a particular FM closing operation. The FM closing operationmakes use of this derivation strategy in carrying out the reassignments.

To execute the report, you must enter the following:

  • FM Area

  • Sender Fiscal Year

  • FM Closing Operation

  • The following operations are only available when US Federal is active inFMISPS:
    • CFAP Provisional Closing for Reversing Fund (Vendor)

    • CFAR Provisional Closing for Reversing Fund (Customer)

    • CFAS Subsequent Postings for Reversing Fund (Vendor)

    • The following objects may be entered as desired:
      • Commitment item

      • Funds center

      • Fund

      • Functional area

      • Funded program

      • Grant

      • For each object there is a corresponding checkbox. This checkbox shouldbe checked if data for that object is to be considered by the program.If only the checkbox is checked, all appropriate data pertaining to thatobject is considered. However, you can limit the data by enteringparticular values or ranges of values.
        For the given input, the program then builds the different permutationsof the source fields using the master data. Then the derivation iscarried out for each permutation of master data.
        The results of the derivation are displayed in a report that containsboth the source fields (the user input) and the target fields.
        If the number of master data permutations is large, this can adverselyaffect system performance, and it may cause a system crash whenavailable memory is exceeded. If you run the program directly (that is,not in batch mode), the system notifies you if the number ofpermutations exceeds 100,000.
        To clear all data on the user interface, click on the "Clear Data"button.