SAP Program RFFMCHAN - Selection for suppl.acct asst

This program supplies the documents from other components that you wantto transfer to Funds Management with a completeFM account assignments (commitmentitem, funds center and, if necessary, fund and functional area) andsaves the data in a worklist.
The actual conversion of data only takes place when you execute programConvert Documents, Supplementary Account Assignment andReassignment (RFFMCHAT).
The system determines the FM account assignment in accordance with theaccount assignment derivation valid for FM.The account assignments are usually passed on, for example, forinvoices with invoice reference, the account assignment of the invoicewas passed from the purchase order.You canfind more information on account assignment derivation in the FundsManagement Government documentation in the section AccountAssignment Derivation and in the implementation guide in the sectionDefine Account Assignment Derivation.
Cash discounts are not supplied with account assignments by thisprogram.


  • The system must be able to derive a complete FM account assignment from
  • already existing data.
    There are three ways to guarantee this:
    You adjust your account assignment derivation accordingly
    You program your own derivation rule in the enhancement SAPLFMCH(component EXIT_SAPLFMCH_001, package FMFS).
    You enter a default account assignment for the account assignmentelement of Funds Management during the program run. These defaultaccount assignments must be created in the master data in FM first.
    Note that the default account assignment is only adopted if the programcannot derive the FM account assignment elements from the accountassignment derivation or from the enhancement.
    • No FM documents should exist in FM yet due to their postings in other
    • components.
      Therefore, you should only reconstruct documents if you implement FMafter other components and want to reconstruct
      documents already existing there.
      If FM is already active and FM documents already exist, these documentsmust be reconstructed either after the supplementary account assignmentof the original documents (Programm RFFMCHAT). Alternatively, you canset the indicatorAdjust Additional FM Documents whenexecuting this program. The FM documents are then adjusted when programRFFMCHAT is run.

      The system generates a list of all documents that must be supplied witha FM account assignment. Documents for which no FM account assignmentcan be derived are displayed as incorrect.

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