SAP Program RFFMCE_HIER_VIEW - Overview of Values for Automatic Cover Groups

With this report you can display the list of automatic cover groups forthe budget addresses and posting addresses belonging to them for your FMarea, fiscal year and an availability control ledger (9H, 9I, or anycustomer-defined ledger). The annual availability control values arealso displayed, both at the cover group level and at the budget address/ posting address levels.
Manual cover groups are not taken into consideration in this report.
Posting addresses are only derived and displayed on demand, when youexpand a budget address node in the hierarchical output list.

This report is only relevant for the componentBudget Control System (BCS)

The report displays a hierarchical list of cover groups and theirmembers (budget addresses). A set of annual values are displayed foreach node of the output list. Depending on the type of node involved,the following values are available:
Cover group definitions

  • Consumable budget: the total consumable budget in the cover
  • group, shared between the members.
    • Consumed amount: the total consumed amount in the cover group,
    • reducing the shared budget.
      • Available budget: the difference between the two previous
      • columns: Consumable budget minus consumed amount.
        Budget addresses
        • Budget memo template: name of budget text template assigned to
        • the budget address (this depends on the role of the address in the covergroup: sender, receiver, or sender & receiver).
          • Consumable budget: this is the calculated contribution of the
          • budget address to the total consumable budget in the cover group.
            Note: this value does not refer to the the sum of the eligibleand non-eligible budget of this address (see below).
            • Consumed amount: the contribution of the budget address to the
            • total consumed amount in the cover group (see definition above).
              • Eligible budget (EB): part of the total consumable budget of the
              • budget address, which is eligible for cover. The drilldownfunctionality is available for this value.
                • Non-eligible budget (NEB): part of the total consumable
                • budget of the budget address, which is not eligible for cover. Thedrilldown functionality is available for this value. The sum of theeligible budget and the non-eligible budget (EB + NEB) is the totalconsumable budget of the budget address.
                  Note: this sum has nothing to do with the value ConsumableBudget as defined above.
                  • Total consumption (C): total consumed amount on the budget
                  • address. The drilldown functionality is available for this value.
                    • Available budget (AB): total consumable budget of the budget
                    • address, reduced by the total consumption on this address. Thecorresponding formula is AB = EB + NEB - C.
                      Posting addresses
                      • Total consumption: total consumed amount on the posting address.
                      • The drilldown functionality is available for this value.
                        Additionally, the following information is displayed:
                        • Description / role: the description of a cover group (short
                        • text), and the role of a budget address within the cover group (sender,receiver, or sender and receiver).
                          The following options can be used to adjust the data display:
                          • Layout options: Here you can specify a layout variant that you
                          • previously defined using the layout button in the output screen. Thisfeature allows you to display or hide columns as desired.
                            • Display options: You can select different options for displaying
                            • cover groups and their members. Please see the field help for moreinformation.

                              Specify the FM area, fiscal year and control ledger to restrict theselection of cover groups.
                              You can also restrict your selection by specifying a range of covergroups, identified by their 16-digit number.

                              The output screen contains two sections:
                              Report header
                              The FM area, fiscal year and control ledger are displayed.
                              Report list
                              The selected cover groups are displayed in a hierarchical structure,together with the budget addresses belonging to them. Posting addressesare also displayed for each budget address when one expands thecorresponding node in the hierarchy.
                              The description of each cover group, the role of each budget address,and the annual values described above are displayed in columns for eachaccount assignment, unless a different layout variant was selected.
                              Details of a node: Details of any node in the tree can be accessedsimply by selecting the node and clicking the Display Detailsbutton in the toolbar. Note that the Details window is updateddynamically when you repeat the operation for another node, withoutclosing the window.
                              Drilldown functionality: double-clicking on a budget address or aposting address displays a list of related documents (budget entrydocuments or actuals documents). You may then select a document in thelist and display it. Click on Back (F3) to return to the initial report.This functionality is also accessible by direct double-click on somevalues in the list, like the eligible budget or non-eligiblebudget for budget addresses, or the total consumption onposting addresses.
                              Budget memos: selecting a budget address and clicking the DisplayBudget Memo button allows you to generate thebudget memo linked to theselected address, provided this address has a budget memo templateassigned to it. The result is displayed in a dialog box.
                              Special situations
                              Under certain circumstances, annual values referring to obsolete covergroups (cover groups which have been deleted after use) are still storedin the database. In this case, the report displays the obsolete covergroups in the output list, with a specific icon and a specific text inthe "Description/Role" column, indicating that a reconstruction isneeded to remove these obsolete values (transactionFMAVCREINIT).
                              Possibly the current role of a budget address (sender, receiver, orsender & receiver), is different from the role that this budgetaddress had when the values were stored. Such a discrepancy is noted inthe "Description/Role" column, with a specific icon and text. Areconstruction is also needed in this case, in order to reconcile thecurrent role with the one stored in the table of annual values.