SAP Program RFFMCANCELED_FUND_AP_MM - Transfer Balance from Canceled Fund: MM Accounts Payable

This program is part of the preclosing activities necessary when a fundis canceled. A fund is canceled after five years with Expired status.When this happens, the appropriation is not available for newobligations, or adjustments to obligations, or liquidations ofobligations. Instead, any remaining funds (open item) are returned tothe US Treasury.
This program:

  • Finds open Materials Management (MM) payables for the fund that is being
  • canceled
    • Cancels the open accounts payable (AP) balances

    • Establishes future funded expense for the amount of the canceled
    • obligations

      Before running this program, you must perform the followingconfiguration work:
      In the Functions for US Federal Government IMG:
      Define an account assignment derivation to post the Future Fund Expense.
      With the account assignment derivation, the values of the new FundsManagement (FM) account assignment are determined automatically from theaccount assignment of the Original Document. The fund must not bederived dependent on other account assignment elements in FM because theFuture Fund Expense posting has to use the original fund.
      Assign the strategy created above to FM Area, Fiscal Year and ClosingOperation: Preclosing Activities for Canceling Fund (Payables).
      Year-End Account Assignment Derivation
      You then need to maintain some accounting information:
      Maintain Accounting Information
      Within the transaction, follow this path: Automatic Postings -> AccountsPayable - Postings (Canceled Fund).


      • Selection Criteria:

      • These are the general selection criteria that will be used to select theopen items.
        • MM Data

        • Selection Criteria specific for MM documents.
          • Update Dates Recorded in Funds Management

          • Dates used for FM postings.
            • Processing

            • If you check the Process with Dialog flag, the items are listedand you can select individual items for processing: otherwise, the openitems are selected and processed per the Selection Criteria.