SAP Program RFFMBWBM - BW: Text Upload

Using this report, you can upload long texts forbudget text categories to BW:
The long texts are upload into BW as documents (InfoProvider Data).Before the data upload, you must specify the InfoProvider on theselection screen. The documents are assigned to a combination of thefollowing predefined InfoObjects:
FM area ,,,,0FM_AREA
Fiscal year ,,,,0FISCYEAR
Year of cash effectivity ,,,,0PU_CEY_BCS
Budget category ,,,,0FM_BUCAT
Version ,,,,0VERSION
Budget type ,,,,0PU_BUDTYPE
FM account assignment ,,,,0PU_FMAA
Grant ,,,,0GRANT_NBR
The assignments can be changed by using the BAdI FMBW_RFFMBWBM.Note that the InfoObjects must be allowed as attributes of documents(You have to set the indicator "Characteristic is document attribute" ofthe InfoObjects in the Administrator's Workbench).

This report is used for the Business Add-In FMBW_RFFMBWBM and thecorresponding method IDENTIFY_INFO_OBJECTS, which enables you tospecify user -defined InfoObjects.
The texts are generated via the generatorFMTXT_MASS_GEN_BUDGET_TEXTS. The templates and variables aretaken into account.
Authorization checks for Funds Management objects are not carried out inthe program.

You can use all FM account assignment elements for the selection.Further selection options are:

  • FM Area

  • Fiscal Year

  • Budget Text Category

  • Year of Cash Effectivity

  • Language Key

  • Budget Category

  • Version

  • Budget Type

  • You must also define the BW system and the InfoProvider.

    The log with the upload statistics is displayed after upload.