SAP Program RFFMBUD2 - Deleting Budget Data of a Commitment Item

Deleting Budget Data of a Commitment Item

The RFFMBUD2 program deletes the budge data of a commitmentitem.
You can use the program in the following situations:

  • If you are still in the test phase and want to delete your test data
  • prior to production startup
    • If you have transferred budget for a future year to the production
    • system per batch input and want to delete the budget data for this yearagain.


      • The deleting of budget data is not possible if the commitment item has
      • subordinate commitment items.
        • A check is performed as to whether you have the authorization to delete
        • budget data. Activity "46" first transfer, reconstruction, fiscalyear change is checked in authorization object FinanzkreisFM_AREA.
          • You can only delete the budget data of a commitment item if these are
          • only in budget version <> "0".
            If budget data already exists in budget version "0", a deletion is nolonger possible - not even in budget version <> "0".

            You can choose that the budget data be deleted for a certain fiscalyear or for all fiscal years. If you want to delete the budget data forall years, set the indicator All years and do not make an entryin the Fiscal year field.
            Deleting total values
            You can only delete the total values of a commitment item if you setthe All years indicator.
            You can execute the program in a test run and get a summarized overviewof all database records that can be deleted. No database changes occurin a test run.
            You must perform a reconstruction of distributed values after thedeleting of budget data.

            Special features when working with the euro FM area
            If you delete budget data in the orginal FM area, the data will notautomatically be deleted in the assigned euro FM area. In this case,you must again start the program especially for the euro FM area.
            Note that the deleting of commitment item budget data is nolonger possible in the original FM area as soon as budget data existsin budget version "0" and the assigned euro FM area is "active" forthis commitment item.


            • A list is issued in which the database table, the number of database
            • records that can be deleted and those that are deleted are displayed ina summarized form.
              • In a test run, the database tables and the data records that can be
              • deleted are displayed in a summarized form.

                Start the program and enter the FM area and the commitment item.
                Enter either the fiscal year in question or set the indicator Allyears.
                Execute the program by choosing Execute.
                After the test run, start the program Reconstruct distributedin the Funds Management menu under Budgeting -> Tools ->Reconstruct Distributed Values.