SAP Program RFFMBS_PO_HIST - Change documents for posting addresses

This program displays the change history of posting addresses for thebudget structure. It also displays the changes of the assigned budgetaddresses.


  • You have activated the logging of budget structure changes for posting
  • addresses in Customizing.
    • You have created posting addresses either via manual maintenance or
    • using the mass generation program. If the indicatorcheck posting addresses is switched off andthe system creates the assignment between posting addressesautomatically, you can still display the created posting addresses usingthis program.

      When you run the program, all changes that have been made to postingaddresses are displayed according to the specified selection criteria.


      • Enter an FM area, a fiscal year and a posting ledger.

      • Restriction on FM account assignments: you can restrict the
      • selection of the change history records to be displayed by selectingthe FM account assignments.
        • Restriction to user logs: you can further restrict the selection
        • of change history records to be displayed by selecting the usersresponsible for the changes and dates of the changes.
          • Layout option: select the layout to be used for the output list.
          • Output
            The output list contains all change records for posting addressesaccording to the selection criteria. In every line, the followinginformation is displayed: change number, date, time, change type,posting address, assigned budget addresses in text form, the userresponsible for the change, and the originally assigned budget address(if the change type is not insertion or deletion).