SAP Program RFFMBS_PO_FROM_FM_GENER - Generate Posting Addresses from Posting Data

Using this program, you can generate posting addresses based on existingactual/commitment data.
The corresponding budget addresses are determined and saved during theprogram run using the derivation strategy you defined for budgetaddresses. You can create the derived budget addresses for the FMarea/fiscal year using the program Copy Budget andPosting Data.

If you want to determine the corresponding budget addresses using aderivation strategy in addition to creating the posting address, youhave to define the relevant strategy in the IMG activityDefine Derivation Strategy for BudgetAddresses.

When you execute the program, each FM account assignment in which thereare actual or commitment postings is created as a posting address.
During the program run, the derivation strategy valid for the FMarea/fiscal year is used to assign the corresponding budget addresses.The derived budget addresses are saved as entries in the database. Afterthe program run, you can create these budget addresses using the copyprogram Copy Budget and Posting Addresses if you select theoption Derived Budget Addresses as the source.
You execute the copy program in the Funds Management menu underMaster Data -> Tools -> Budget Structure (Budget Control System) ->Copy Budget and Posting Addresses.

You generate the posting addresses for each FM area/fiscal year andposting ledger.

The number of the posting addresses generated is issued in a list. Anerror log is issued if errors occur.