SAP Program RFFMBGDC - Backdated Cash Discount and Tax Calculation for PCOs

Backdated Cash Discount and Tax Calculations for Public-Owned CommercialOperations

When you are working with public-owned commercial operations(PCO) you must execute this program instead of SAPF181.
This program moves cash discount and exchange rate differences back tothe appropriate account, according to cause. Backdated tax calculationsaccrued through cash discount are also included. You can find moreinformation in the program documentation SAPF181.
Note that within the PCO solution, the posting date for the batch inputdocument must be in the selected period so that the backdated tax cashdiscount calculations are in the correct period. Cash discount fromdocuments that are only counted in the next period are only reported inthis period.

Note that backdated calculations of exchange rate differences are notreflected in the reports on the public-owned commercial operations (forexample tax sales lists) as it is not a tax relevant transaction.