SAP Program RFFMAVC_HIER_VIEW - Display Annual Values of Control Objects

With this report you can display the hierarchy of availability controlobjects, such as budget addresses and posting addresses, as well asannual AVC values for specific account assignments.

This report is only relevant for the componentBudget Control System (BCS)

The report displays the hierarchy ofcontrol objects,budget addresses andposting addresses, which isdetermined by derivation strategies for availability control and thebudget structure. For each hierarchy node, the annual values ofConsumable Budget, Consumed Amount and the differencebetween these two values - the Available Amount - for a selectedavailability control ledger are output.
The following options can be used to adjust the data display:

  • Layout Options: Here you determine how the account assignment
  • elements for the control objects are arranged on the screen. The list ofcontrol objects is sorted according to the Hierarchy Levels youdefine. For each account assignment element, the text of the hierarchynode can be either the name of the account assignment, or itsdescription (short text). In this section, you can also specify a layoutvariant, which you must define using the layout button in the outputscreen. This allows you to display or hide columns as desired.
    • Display Options: You can select different options for displaying
    • availability control objects. Please see the field help for moreinformation.

      Specify the FM area, fiscal year and control ledger to restrict theselection of availability control objects.
      You can also restrict your selection by specifying a range of accountassignment elements. This restriction can contain the availabilitycontrol objects themselves, or the budget/posting addresses. In the twolatter cases, the control objects assigned to the selected budget orposting addresses are automatically derived.

      The output screen contains two sections:
      Report header
      Besides the FM area, fiscal year and control ledger, the system alsodisplays the account assignment elements for the control objects forwhich only one value was selected.
      Report list
      The selected control objects are displayed together with their budgetaddresses and posting addresses in one structure. For each controlobject, there is at least one budget address linked to it.
      There is no such rule for the number of posting addresses linked to onebudget address via the budget structure: you can have no postingaddress, only one posting address, or a number of different postingaddresses linked to a budget address.
      The annual values for Consumable Budget, Consumed Amountand Available Amount (= difference between the consumable budgetand consumed amount) are displayed in columns for each accountassignment, unless a different layout variant has been selected. If theoption Hierarchical View of AVC Elements has been selected, thensubtotals are also calculated for each value of the account assignmentelements of a control object.
      Drilldown functionality: double-clicking on a budget address or aposting address displays a list of related documents (budget entrydocuments or actuals documents). You may then select a document in thelist and display it. Click on Back (F3) to return to the initialreport. This functionality is also accessible by double-click on anyvalue in the list (except values attached to control objects).
      Details of a node: Details of any node in the tree can be accessedsimply by selecting the node and clicking the Display button inthe toolbar. Note that the Details window is updated dynamically whenyou repeat the operation for another node, without closing the window.