SAP Program RFFMARCFTW - Archiving of FYC Totals in FM: Write Program

This program is used to archive FM totals records for the fiscal yearchange (archiving object FM_FYC_TT) from database tables FMCFAA, FMCFABand FMCFBAPP.

Before you start the program, make sure that the FM line items thatcorrespond with your selection have already been archived. For moreinformtion on this, see archiving objects FM_DOC_FI and FM_DOC_OI ordocumentation on the archiving programs for commitment
and actual.

The data selected for the archiving is saved in one or more archivefiles if all the following conditions have been fulfilled:

  • The selection criteria have been met.

  • The selected fiscal year(s) come before the current fiscal year.

  • The corresponding line items (tables FMIOI, FMIFIIT and FMCCFD) were
  • already archived.
    All data records with the same FM area and fund are grouped in thecorresponding data object groups.

    You can limit the amount of data to be archived by selecting FM area,fund and fiscal year.

    When archiving totals records for the fiscal year change, thecorresponding budget data must also be archived.