SAP Program RFFDWP00 - Cash Management Layout Report for Securities - Planned Flows

This report program generates planned flows for securities in CashManagement.
(The program only generates planned flows for securities, and notsecurities transactions. To generate securities transactions, useprogram RFFDTR00.)
Before you run the program, make sure that the database does notalready contain the data to be generated (tables FDW1, FDSB, FDSR - seebelow). If the data already exists, the report will be terminated.
You are advised to perform a test run in order to correct any errorsbefore the update run. The test run does not update any data.
Several selection options are available. The system checks whether theaddition of records to Cash Management is authorized for the companycode and business area.
If the program is not terminated due to error, the system generates alog. Errors can also be listed in this log.
We recommend the following procedure:
Check whether you have fulfilled all the prerequisites for the CashManagement update:
Cash Management must be active in the company code (view V_001_I).
You have assigned planning levels for Financial Assets Management(views V_T036V and V_T036W). To update planned flows for securities inCash Management (interest, dividends), the views for securities producttypes must contain a line with the transaction activity category "0".The system generates this line when you leave the field for thetransaction activity category empty or overwrite the proposed valuewith spaces.
You have defined the relevant flow types as "Relevant to CashManagement" and entered an activity indicator between "01" and "04".
You have maintained a planning level in the G/L account master recordfor the bank accounts assigned to the planned records for securitiesand the securities account. In the case of the securities plannedflows, this level only determines whether or not Cash Management shouldbe updated. The level used for the update itself is determined by theassignment table mentioned above (tables V_T036V and V_T036W).
If no bank account has been defined in the securities planned flows orin the securities account, the system updates the records for thecustomer (prerequisite: the counterparty has been defined as acustomer, and a planning group has been defined in the customer masterrecord).
No error message appears if one of these prerequisites is notfulfilled. The record is simply ignored during the update.
Start the report as a test run (as a background job if you have largeamounts of data).
Check the job log to see if the program has been terminated.
Check the spool log for possible errors.
Correct any errors and restart the run.
Delete the data to be regenerated from the Cash Management tables FDW1,FDSB and FDSR.
Table FDW1 can be deleted completely if you run the program withoutmaking any selections.
In tables FDSB (totals records for bank accounts) and FDSR (totalsrecords for subledger accounts), you are only allowed to delete therecords that will subsequently be regenerated, and not the recordsresulting from FI postings, payment advices, or planned items.
You can use the cash position and liquidity forecast functions toestablish the levels at which planned flows for securities have beenupdated, and then delete the corresponding records. To delete therecords, you must write a short report program containing aninstruction such as:
DELETE FROM FDSB WHERE BUKRS = '0001' AND EBENE = 'WP' (-> Note 156239)
When you call up the cash position/liquidity forecast, choose a groupthat contains all the relevant accounts.
(If you use the same levels for planned securities flows andsecurities transactions, you cannot delete just the securities plannedflows from tables FDSB and FDSR. When you delete the entries, you alsodelete the records for the securities transactions. In this case, werecommend that you delete the records that belong to the securitiesfrom table FDT1, and then call up the generation report RFFDTR00 forthe "Securities" application.)
Start the report as an update run (as a background job, where possible)
Check the job log and the spool log.
If errors occur, check in the cash position and liquidity forecastwhether records have already been updated in Cash Management. You haveto delete these records before you restart the run.
If no errors occurred during the run, check the cash position andliquidity forecast to ensure that the data has been written to CashManagement.

65309Cash Managemt/Forcst: procedure after data inconsistencies
187562ABS: Setup report faulty/ missing in Customizing