SAP Program RFFDTL00 - Telephone list

This report program creates a telephone list. You can use it totelephone the various banks to place payment orders or to notify themof large incoming payments.
During the phone call you can enter the business partner for each bankaccount, you can tick off items so notified, and add comments. Doubleclick an item to display the payment advice on which it is based.
You can then save and/or print the list. You can use this program todisplay lists already saved.

You should not access this program until cash management and forecastis completed.
It is important to maintain an offset account assignment in the paymentadvices selected. To this end, define the offset account assignmentfields as ready for input when you define the relevant planning typesin customizing.

The items in the list are shown for each bank account, separated intoreceipt and expenditures and sorted by amount. You can switch betweenone- and two-line displays.