SAP Program RFEBPI20 - Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing

Program RFEBPI20: Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing.
This report is used in U.S. Cash Management. It is called viatransaction FPS2 or from the Cash Management menu -> Input -> Polling-> Process Statement. This program gives a summary report of thepolling account statements.
The first screen of the program shows an overview of the amount ofmoney needed for each account. The status flag in this page shows thestatus of the account. A 'Processed' flag indicates the account hasalready been processed and wires have been created. A 'Unprocessed'flag indicates the account has not yet been processed. The user canchoose to get detailed information for each account by double-clickingon the line or click on the line and then press the Show Detail button.The user can also process the account by clicking on the line and thenpress the Process Statement button.
To create wires in a specific format, the program calls the function'Post_Memo_Entries_Polling_Stmt'. An error message will be given ifwires can not be created and the program will terminate.