SAP Program RFEBLBR1 - Lockbox Totals Report

Lockbox Total Report

This program can be run directly with report RFEBLBR1 or withtransaction FOEBL1.
After running the main lockbox program (FLB2), or the lockboxpost-process program (FLB1), the user may want to see the check statuson each of the lockbox and to determine if any further processing isneeded. This program create a lockbox posting summry for a specificday (user input). There are three parts to this program. First, aposting summary on each lockbox loading will be created. Secondly, adaily lockbox total statistics will be created with a user-defined'successful hit rate' from the following check status: applied, appliedon account, partially applied, and unprocessed. Thirdly, additionalinformation on G/L account postings, subledger account postings, andresidual item list, will be created upon user selection.