Program | Text |
RFEBKAT1 | Generate Test Data for Multicash |
RFEBKAT3 | Generate test data (IDoc) |
RFEBKAT4 | Test Program: IDocs are created from the bank data store |
RFEBKAT5 | Generate test data for BAI bank statement and create open items |
RFEBKATX | Test Tool RFEBKATX: Create Open Items and Bank Statement Files |
RFEBLB00 | Main Lockbox Program |
RFEBLB00_NACC | Main lockbox program |
RFEBLB20 | Lockbox: BAI Format Processing |
RFEBLB20_NACC | Lockbox: BAI Format Processing |
RFEBLB30 | Main Lockbox Program |
RFEBLB30_NACC | Main Lockbox Program |
RFEBLB90 | Main Lockbox Program |
RFEBLBLO | Create Lockbox File for Loans |
RFEBLBR1 | Lockbox Totals Report |
RFEBLBT1 | Autocash: Lockbox |
RFEBLBT2 | Autocash: Lockbox - Create test data for BAI2-Format |
RFEBLBT3 | Autocash: Lockbox - Create test data for IDoc-Format |
RFEBNO00 | Convert Norwegian Bank Statement to MultiCash Format |
RFEBNORDIC | Read EDIFACT Files/Convert into MultiCash Format (Norway) |
RFEBPI00 | Load Polling Information to Bank Table Buffers |
RFEBPI20 | Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing |
RFEBPI20_NACC | Polling Account Statement Overview and Processing |
RFEBSC00 | Interface for Check Deposit Data Entered Externally |
RFEBSC00_NACC | Interface for Check Deposit Data Entered Externally |
RFEBSC10 | Post Check Deposit Data Entered Externally |
RFEBSC10_NACC | Post Check Deposit Data Entered Externally |
RFEBSE00 | Convert Swedish Bank Statement to MultiCash Format |
RFEBSE00_NACC | Convert Swedish Bank Statement to MultiCash Format |
RFEBVND1 | Online freeform and vendor payment requests |
RFEDXP01 | XPRA: Create number range KUKEY |
RFEKA100 | Import DTAUS Format into Bank Data Buffer |
RFEKA200 | Import MultiCash Format to Bank Data Buffer |
RFEKA200_NACC | Import MultiCash Format to Bank Data Buffer |
RFEKA400 | Import Format SWIFT MT940 into Bank Data Buffer |
RFEKA700 | Import Format BAI to the Interim Bank Data Store |
RFEPOJ00 | Line Item Journal |
RFEPOJ00_NACC | Line Item Journal |
RFEPOSF7 | Unchanged Documents |
RFEPOSR1 | Non-Changeable Documents / Line Items |
RFEPOSST | $: Overview of List Levels |
RFEPOSSU | $: Summary Sheet |
RFEPOSX1 | Line Items: XXL - List Viewer |
RFESR000 | Processing of Incoming Data from OSR or Post and Bank ISR |
RFESR100 | Editing of POR data (5 1/4" and 3 1/2" MS-DOS disks) |
RFETESTP_IHC | Program for testing whether master data exists |
RFEWA001 | FI <-> Company Code Analysis (Without Status) |
RFEWA002 | FI <-> Customizing Analysis (Without Status) |
RFEWA003 | FI <-> Open Items/Transaction Figures Comparison (Without Status) |
RFEWA004 | FI <-> Subleger/General Ledger Comparison (Without Status) |
RFEWA008 | FI <-> Analysis of Items to be Cleared (Without Status) |
RFEWA009 | EMU Conversion: FI Documents/Account Transaction Figures Comparison |
RFEWA010 | Adjust Balances after Comparing Documents/Transaction Figures |
RFEWA011 | EMU Conversion: FI Documents/Account Transaction Figures Comparison |
RFEWA012 | Adds Summary Records from a Ledger and Displays Differences (if not 0) |
RFEWA013 | Adds Summary Records from a Ledger and Displays Differences (if not 0) |
RFEWA014 | Adds Summary Records from a Ledger and Displays Differences (if not 0) |
RFEWA015 | Program RFEWA015 |
RFEWA016 | European Monetary Union: Document Splitting Adjustment |
RFEWA017 | EMU Implementation: Correction to Doc. Splitting of Comparison Docs |
RFEWA110 | FI Analysis Phase <-> Payment Program Check |
RFEWA150 | FI Analysis Phase <-> Dunning Run Check |
RFEWACAP | Check Whether the Posting Periods Have Been Closed |
RFEWACUS | FI Analysis Phase <-> Customizing Check |
RFEWASHK | Special G/L Indicator Balances |
RFEWASOA | Check Particular Accounts for "Balances in LC" Being Active in Master |
RFEWC110 | Check if Payment Runs Are Complete |
RFEWC150 | Check if Dunning Runs and Printing of Dunning Notices Are Complete |
RFEWSBAL | FI Analysis Program <-> Display FI/AA Adjustment Differences |
RFEWSDOC | FI Analysis Program <-> Display Critical Documents |
RFEWSSCA | FI Analysis Program <-> Display Clearing Procedure Adjustments |
RFEWSSOP | FI Analysis Program <-> Display Open Item Total at Key Date |
RFEWU107 | FI Analysis Phase <-> Valuation Run Check |
RFEWUC0C | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Clearing Procedures <> 0 (Adjustment) |
RFEWUC0F | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Open Item Total/Ledger (Adjustment) |
RFEWUC0O | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Subledgers/General Ledger (Adjustment) |
RFEWUC0P | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Adjust Items in Critical Documents |
RFEWUC0P_40 | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Adjust Items in Critical Documents |
RFEWUC1F | FI Analysis Phase <-> Open Item Total/Ledger (Analysis) |
RFEWUC1O | FI Analysis Phase <-> Subledgers/General Ledger (Analysis) |
RFEWUCE1 | Euro: Comparison of all Ledgers with the Accompanying Export Ledgers |
RFEWUCE2 | Euro: Reconstruction of Export Ledger frm G/L Acct Transaction Figures |
RFEWUCPO | FI Analysis Phase <-> Revise Table PYORDH (Payment Orders) |
RFEWUD0P | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Delete Table EWUFI_SOP |
RFEWUDOC | FI Conversion Phase <-> Convert Financial Accounting Documents |
RFEWUFIB | Program: Postprocess Table FIKBOR (Reserves Spec.Depr.from Euro Val.) |
RFEWUS0C | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Clearing Procedures <> 0 (Selection) |
RFEWUS0P | FI Reconciliation Phase <-> Open Items at Key Date (Selection) |
RFEWUS1C | FI Analysis Phase <-> Clearing Procedures <> 0 (Selection) |
RFEWUS1P | FI Analysis Phase <-> Open Items on Key Date (Selection) |
RFEWUSHK | Special G/L Indicator Balances |
RFEXBLK0 | Export Execution Data |
RFF110S | Report for the Automatic Scheduling of the Payment Program |
RFF110SSP | Balance Check after a Payment Proposal |
RFF110SSPL | Balance Check: Overview of Blocked Accounts |
RFFAKP01 | Generate Fast Entry Screen Templates |