SAP Program RFEBKAPSP - Import Settlement File of Payment Service Provider

The report RFEBKAPSP imports settlement files of payment serviceproviders into the SAP system and then performs posting in GeneralLedger and Subsidiary Ledger Accounting using batch input.

  • You can use parameter instructions to specify whether both areas should
  • be created in one run or if only the postings for General LedgerAccounting should be created at first.
    • Interpretation

    • For incoming payments, use the reference document numbers that aredelivered to determine the open items by specifying the selection field(XBLNR). This data provides the relevant information for clearingcustomer payments.
      If you do not specify a selection field, the system does not search foropen items.
      You can restrict the search for reference document numbers by using theselection field length and the corresponding number range interval, andthus speed up processing.
      The report considers values that do not match the specified length andthat are not within the specified number range as invalid and does notprovide them as clearing information.
      You can program a company-specific user exit for specificinterpretations of note to payee fields.

      The report checks if the business transaction codes used by the bank(external transactions) have been assigned to an internaltransaction when the system was configured. This is required becauseposting to General Ledger and Subsidiary Ledger accounts is done usingposting rules that are stored for an internal transaction.
      If the report finds an external transaction that has not been maintainedin the corresponding table, it cancels processing once the accountstatement has been entirely imported and outputs a list with the missingentries (error log).

      So that the posting transactions can be created in the correspondingsessions, enter the missing entries. Then restart the report.

      The posting log provides you with information about all the postingsthat have been made, separated according to posting area. In addition,the external business transaction codes and the internal transactionsare listed that control the posting.
      The processing statistics display, for example, the followinginformation:

      • Number of postings

      • Number of postings that could not be created due to an error

      • Number of line items for which per definition no posting could be
      • created