SAP Program RFEBKA10 - Compare Postings with Bank Account Statement Items

Is used to compare the posting data with the bank data storage of theelectronic bank statement.
You may find when the system is operating that items still to beprocessed have not been posted in the postprocessing transaction FEBANbut rather manually. These transactions continue to have the status 'Tobe posted' in FEBAN, even though this has already been done. You needto distinguish between two cases:
Case 1. The items were automatically posted to an interim account inposting area 1, but clearing in posting area 2 failed. Clearing wasthen carried out manually (for example by using transaction FB05). In athird step the two OIs were cleared on the debit and credit side of theinterim accounts (for example with transaction FB05 or programSAPF124).
Case 2. Clearing failed (either in area 1 or area 2) and it was clearedon account in accordance with Customizing. The payment on accountdocument is now cleared with the original open items (for instance withFB05) by forming a residual item, for example.

When you import the bank statement (report RFEBKA00) you post online.Otherwise you would postprocess using batch input rather than by usingFEBAN.

In case 1, you enter the interim account in which you wish to look forposted items.
In case 2, you enter the short key of the bank statements in which youwish to look for items posted on account.
In both cases you can have the bank data storage refreshedautomatically.

Case 1: All items not yet posted in area 2 are listed first in blue(color key C10) to which open items correspond in the interim account.These open items are generated by the postings in posting area 1. Bydouble-clicking you go to postprocessing REBAN to carry on posting fromthere.
There then follows in white (color key C20) the items which interestyou that have already been cleared on the interim account manually. Thenumber of the document against which clearing was made is displayed.You can branch to the postprocessing transaction by double-clicking andenter there manually the number of the document, whereby the itemautomatically receives the status 'Posted'. With automatic adjustmentthis has already been done, and this is displayed in the relevantcolumn by a cross.
Finally, documents in the interim account follow in yellow (color keyC30) that do not correspond to any of the bank statement items. If theinterim account is only posted to using the electronic bank statementthis case can only occur if a different interim account has alreadybeen selected in the postprocessing transaction FEBAN. You can branchto the document by double-clicking.
Case 2: The payment on account documents of area 1 are listed first(color blue, color code C10) that have already been cleared manually.The clearing document appears as the document number. You can branch toFEBAN in order to enter the document number there manually and so toset the items to 'Posted'. This also occurs automatically when you useautomatic adjustment.
The corresponding procedure then follows for posting area 2. The coloris white, the color code is C20.