SAP Program RFEBFILUM00 - Bank Statement Finland - Conversion to Multicash Format

You use this program to convert electronic bank statements sent to youby your bank in LUM2 format into MultiCash format. The LUM2 format is aformat used in Finland for making payments in foreign currency.

You use the program during the vendor payment process, as follows. Itassumes that you have open vendor invoices denominated in foreigncurrency.
When the time comes to pay your vendors, you use thePayment Program to create a file with the payment datain format LUM2.
For information about customizing the Payment Program for LUM2, see Note418898.
You send the file to your bank.
In accordance with the instructions on the file, the bank:
Pays the vendors from your account
Sends you an electronic bank statement file, in format LUM2, withdetails of the payments made
When you receive the file, you use this program to convert the file fromLUM2 to MultiCash format.
You process the MultiCash files using the ElectronicBank Statement Program.

In order for the Electronic Bank Statement Program to process the filefrom the bank, you must make some Customizing settings and add afunction module to the program.

Make the following settings in Customizing for Financial Accounting
, by choosing Bank Accounting -> Business Transactions-> Payment Transactions -> Electronic Bank Statement ->Make Global Settings for Electronic Bank Statement.
If you want, you can create a separate transaction type for foreignpayments. However, we recommend that you use the same transaction typethat you use for domestic payments. The standard transaction typedelivered with the standard system is FIN, which you can use as itstands, or copy.
There are four external business transactions in format LUM2: 00J forpayments that have been made, and 04J, 40J, and 44J for rejectedpayments.
Define two different posting keys, one for payments made (00J) and onefor rejected payments (04J, 40J, and 44J ). For payments made, define aposting rule. Do not do so for rejected payments, so that they will notbe posted.
Assign the external business transactions to the posting keys, to makesure that the system processes the external transactions properly. Ifyou use payment orders, set the interpretation algorithm to 29Payment Order Number. The system will then be able to identify whichvendor invoices have been paid and clear them as appropriate.
Assign bank accounts to the transaction type.

Function Module
In order for the Electronic Bank Statement Program to post the foreigncurrency payments properly, you must add a function module to theprogram, as described in Note 418855.
The function module posts the payment amount correctly, using theexchange rate from the bank statement, and creates a line itemfor the exchange rate difference. This posting is then clearedautomatically against the vendor item. This is an improvement on thestandard program, which posts the payment amount using today'sexchange rate and makes two postings for exchange rate differences tocompensate. This method does not allow you to trace the exchange ratedifferences back to the invoice properly.
To this end, the Payment Program posts the payment amount to the bankaccount and bank clearing account in the original transaction currency(that is, the foreign currency). However, note that in order for thisposting to work properly, the bank account currency must be the same aseither your local currency or the payment currency.

This program:

  • Supports the latest version of LUM2 format

  • Offers full support for payments by payment order

  • Suppose a vendor sends you an invoice to be paid by payment order. Whenyou run the Payment Program, it generates a payment order number. Thepayment file includes the payment order number. You send the paymentfile to the bank, the bank carries out the payment order, and sends youa feedback file, also containing the payment order number. When youupload the file, the system automatically clears the invoice against thepayment, using the appropriate payment order number.


    On the selection screen:

    • Enter the name and location of the input file (the file sent to you by
    • the bank, in FI_LUM2 format)
      • Enter the name and location of the output files (the file to be created
      • in MultiCash format)
        ,,,,The system validates if the file path entered by the user alignswith the file system configurations ,,,,,,authenticated for the report.
        ,,,,The file system configuration includes a Logical File NameFI_RFEBFILUM00_FILE and Logical ,,,,,,File Path FI_FBZ_FILE_PATH
        , associated with the report. You should maintain the physical file,,,,,,path that you need to use in this report, against the LogicalFile Path FI_FBZ_FILE_PATH, using ,,,,transaction FILE. For furtherinformation on maintaining the physical file path, refer to
        Defining Logical Path and File Names.
        • If you want the system to run the Electronic Bank Statement Program as
        • soon as the file has been converted, select Start automaticallyand enter a variant for the program.

          The program:

          • Reads the input file

          • Generates two files in MultiCash format: a bank statement file and a
          • line item file.
            The bank statement file contains information relating to the statementitself (for example, the statement number, the current balance, and thebank account number). The line item file contains data on the individualtransactions.
            Note that the program does not generate the files if:
            The bank account number in the bank statement file is not clear.
            The total payment amount in the bank statement file does not match thepayment amounts in the line items.

            Once the program has converted the files, import the file data into thesystem using the Electronic Bank Statement Program.

418898Foreign payments with LUM2 format, Finland
418855RFEBFILUM00 - Posting in foreign currency Finland
106121Electronic bank statement formats