SAP Program RFEBFI00_NACC - Bank Statement: Finland Reference Payments - Convert to Multicash


Program &REPORT& processes Finnish bank statements that containspecifications on reference payments from customers or bank collections.This format is used by the Merita Bank, for example.
The program reads the input data either from a PC or the file system andthen generates two files in MultiCash format. The bank statementfile that is generated contains information on the statements(statement number, previous balance, current balance, currency, bankaccount number...) while the item file contains the individualtransactions that were detailed on the statement. You should use thestandard program &MULTIC_RE to import the generated MultiCash files. Youcan find more information in the program documentation.
Import Bank Statement: MultiCash, SWIFT_MT940.

Notes on Configuration
Program &REPORT& uses the standard configuration settings for electronicbank statements. For more information on configuring the electronic bankstatement, refer to the Implementation Guide.
Specifications for the electronic bank statement
Allocating banks to transaction types
You can define transaction types to which you then allocate bankaccounts according to the external transaction involved. If you use thisoption you must allocate a transaction type to every house bank accountthat you use. By grouping accounts in this way you reduce the amount ofentries in the "Allocation of external to internal transactions" table.
House banks and house bank accounts
A bank account may only be defined in a single company code. You mustspecify the currency of each bank account since certain banks keep theiraccount numbers all the same and they can only be distinguished by theircurrency. You must also define the G/L account to post to for each bankaccount.
Generating MultiCash Files
MultiCash files cannot be generated in the following cases:

  • The bank account number on the data medium is not clear.

  • The calculated totals for all the fields do not match the actual totals
  • from all the fields in the file.
    • Simulated postings reveal that the configuration settings have not been
    • made in full. The default settings for the simulated postings generate alist of the transactions that need to be maintained and instructionsconcerning what exactly to maintain.
      Bank collections/adjustments not made
      If data records are flagged as 'rejected' or 'adjusted' by the bank,they are not included in the MultiCash files, but are output in aseparate error list, which you can use to manually process them.
      Posting currency
      The currency of the postings to be made on the basis of a bank statementis defined as follows: if a currency code has been maintained for thehouse bank account (field T012K-WAERS), then this code is specifed asthe currency for the postings from that statement. In all other casesthe ISO code for Finnish marks ('FIM') is used as the transactioncurrency.
      RESET N1

      Calling up MultiCash program &MULTIC_REP&
      After converting the input data, use the MultiCash program &MULTIC_REP&to process the data in the system. You should maintain a variant forthis purpose, the name for which must then be entered in the selectionscreen.
      The following parameters are automatically filled with the currentvalues when program &MULTIC_REP& is called up (for this reason you mustnot maintain these parameters when defining the variant):

      • Statement file

      • Item file

      • Format 'M'

      • PC upload