SAP Program RFDWZFF0 - DWZ File Interface: Import Year-End Rates/Prices

Report RFDWZFF0 allows you to transfer securities prices and foreignexchange rates from a DWZ file to the SAP system.

The DWZ file interface can carry out the following transfer functions:
Category 'C' : Transfer of exchange rates
Category 'D' : Transfer of securities prices

Report RFDWZFF0 expects an input file in DWZ format and adds the data tothe operative SAP market data tables.
The file format must be observed as incorrect entries can only becorrected with a great deal of extra work (individual rate maintenance,customer specific ABAP report, if necessary). Therefore, check yourmarket data before you import data to the SAP system via report RFDWZFF0and ensure that it is in DWZ file format. You can check this in a testrun by choosing "Test run" on the report selection screen.
Note: The datafeed interface also allows you to transfer market data.The Remote Function Call (RFC) creates a direct link between an externalsystem and the SAP system. In this case, data can be transferredrealtime.


Input file
The directory path of the specified input file must be valid beforecalling up the report. The 'UPLOAD' checkbox allows you to specifywhether the input file will be on the applications server or on thelocal presentation server ('X').

Data provider
If the securities and currency names in your system are different fromthose used by the DWZ, you can specify a data provider and a codeconversion of the names will take place. To do this, maintain a dataprovider in Customizing (e.g. DWZ) and determine the relevant codeconversion for securities and currency names.

Note regarding required authorizations
Ensure that you have authorization for starting transaction TBDM whenstarting the report. In order to import data via the applications server(i.e no PC upload), you need authorizations to access files from ABAP/4programs. For price/rate maintenance of operative SAP tables, yourequire authorization groups FC32 (currencies).

Further market data file interface reports

RFTBFF00: Importing market data in SAP format
RFTBFF01: Output of request list
RFTBFF03: Automatic filling of the conversion tables.
RFTBFF20: Importing statistical data