SAP Program RFDKVZ00_NACC - Customer List (Not Accessible)

The customer list is used for displaying and for printing customermaster data which is needed in the area of financial accounting. Thelist can be used for information and documentation.

You can narrow down the number of customers to beprinted using selection criteria. This includes, for example, theaccount number of the customer, the company code, asearch term, or an interval for the selection criteria.
However, only customers for whom company-code-dependentmaster data exists, are displayed for the followingentries:

  • Limitation of output to certain company codes, for example, 0001 to 0005

  • Selection of one or more parameters which exclusively provide company
  • code-specific data
    You can choose between four sortings of information.
    At least the account number, the search term, theaccount group, the recorder and the opening date ofthe general data is output for every customermaster record. You can adapt the scope of the data exceeding thisaccording to your information requirements. The parameters"communication with customer" and "X - address and telecom (master)" arealternative.
    For every customer, the general data and afterwards the companycode-dependent data is output first.
    Due to the parameter "additional heading" it is possible to outputindividual information in the page header in a list.
    For the printout on paper, for putting on microfiche, the additionalparameter "X - output microfiche line " is available.