SAP Program RFDKLI10 - Customers With Missing Credit Data

This report checks the credit limit-related data for completeness andcreates the corresponding error lists.
These can be used to maintain the corresponding definitions manually orby using batch input.
The report checks the following questions per customer:

  • has the central data been maintained?

  • has the control area-related data been maintained?

  • In all company codes in which the customer has been created and whichrefer to a credit control area, the systemchecks whether the data has been maintained for this control area.
    • is there deletable control area-related data?

    • Data is deletable if the customer has not been created in a companycode which refers to the control area in question.
      • are there company codes which do not refer to any control area?

      • At the end of the report, corresponding statistics are created.