SAP Program RFCMCRCV - Credit Management: Create A/R Summary

This program creates A/R summary data within a control area percredit account. This data can then be used either within distributedcredit management, or in a non-distributed system.
Within the context of distributed credit management, a scenario issupported that enables several decentralized SD systems to run activecredit management for a central FI system. To make this possible, thisprogram creates A/R summary data in the FI system. This datacontains (in compressed form) all the credit management data on acredit account required (in one control area) for credit checks in SD.This program creates this FI status data and transmits it (if required)to decentralized SD systems in accordance with the ALE customerdistribution model. This program is to be started periodically. Thedecentralized SD systems receive the data and store it in the database.The checks that are called up on a decentralized basis are not run onthe database (which is only a copy of local activities). Instead, theyrun on the A/R summary data, meaning that all open items are checked.
For performance reasons, it may seem worthwhile running the SD creditcheck on this A/R summary data in a non-distributed system. This isbecause repeated reading of the results of such a check can besubstituted for repeated reading of open items.

A/R Summary data can be created for a customer if:
This customer is created in at least one company code of thecorresponding control area.
The credit management customer master table contains control area datafor this customer.
Your preparatory settings for credit management are maintained inCustomizing.
For a given customer, A/R summary data is transferred via ALE fromcentral FI to decentralized SD, if
the above requirements for its creation are met
the distributino via ALE you require is maintained in Customizing.

If FI status data was created, this program tells you the number of
customers in the relevant credit control area for which the A/R summary
data was created. It also outputs the time stamp (creation time) andthe logical system stored (the system in which the FI status data wascreated).
In the credit overview (RFDKLI40), the credit master sheet (RFDKLI41)and in the menu "Customer Credit Management" you can display therelevant A/R summary data.