SAP Program RFCHKN00 - Check Register

This program creates a list of all check information (prenumberedchecks) belonging to a paying company code, providing this issufficient to fulfill the selection critieria specified. The list issorted according to payment method and check number. Checks voidedmanually appear at the beginning and checks issued manually at the endof the list.

The user must be authorized to display check information in the companycode requested.

Several types of list can be created. Here are some examples:
Complete list for one company code
Only the company code is to be entered. As further selection critieriayou could enter the bank account or the creation date, for example.
Complete list with line item information
In addition to 1., you need to select the parameter which controls theoutput of paid items.
List of outstanding checks
If, in addition to 1., you select the 'List of outstanding checks'parameter, only checks which have not yet been cashed are listed.
Payment summary for a payment run
Enter the paying company code as well as the run date and (if the runis not explicitly identified by the date) the run ID of the paymentrun. If you want to include a check register in the print run of thepayment program, you must first create a variant and specify the payingcompany code. The remaining parameters (date and ID) are filled by thepayment program if program RFCHKN00 is entered with this variant under'Lists' before the start of the print programs.
Payment summary for an extract run
If a data extract with database update is created for external datatransmission, a list displaying all checks whose information isincluded in the extract can be requested. For this, you enter theextract date and (if several extracts were created on one day) theextract time, in addition to the paying company code.
List of all actual checks
For this you select the initial value (SPACE or 00) for the void reasoncode select option.
List of all voided checks
Similarly, here you exempt the initial value from the selection for thevoid reason code select option.
Payroll Accounting check list
If prenumbered checks were also used in Payroll Accounting, then youshould create a separate list for Payroll Accounting from the FinancialAccounting list. Here you can also choose between list types such ascomplete list, outstanding checks list, list per payment run or extractetc.
You can also select items (in addition to using the above variants)according to the amount issued or the drawer.