SAP Program RFBVES_0 - Transfer of Bank Data (Spain)

With this program, a bank directory stored as a UNIX file can betransferred to the SAP System (table BNKA) or already existing bankscan be revised in the SAP System for the bank country Spain.

The file must exist as a UNIX file. The path name of the file is tobe specified during the program run.
The file must be structured in lines, that is, it must contain endof record markers (carriage return).
The standard format is processed according to the Consejo SuperiorBancario (standard 13bis). The record length is 264 bytes.
Therer are three different record types:
00 Tape start
Field,,Contents,,Length in bytes (from-to)
A,,Código registro,,2 (1-2)
E,,Fecha proceso,,6 (259-264)
01 Data of the branch
Field,,Contents,,Length in bytes (from-to)
A,,Código registro,,2 (1-2)
B,,Número entidad,,4 (3-6)
C,,Número oficina,,4 (7-10)
E1,,Nombre entidad,,36 (15-50)
E2,,Nombre oficina,,36 (51-86)
E3,,Domicilio oficina,,40 (87-126)
F1,,Nombre plaza (cast.),,40 (129-168)
G,,Tipo oficina,,1 (209)
K,,Código postal,,5 (243-247)
99 End of tape
Field,,Contents,,Length in bytes (from-to)
A,,Código registro,,2 (1-2)
D,,Número registros,,6 (259-264)
If bank master data already exists in the system, the availablebank master record is updated with the data from the UNIX file incase differences are found.
If banks are characterized in the UNIX file as no longer active(indicator in the record type 01), they are provided with a deleteflag in the file BNKA.
The program can be started in the test mode (without update of thefile BNKA) or in the actual mode (with update of the file BNKA).
The number of the records to be read from the UNIX file can belimited for testing purposes.
The program does not block the file BNKA. Therefore, you mustensure that no other user or program accesses the file BNKA duringthe program run.

A statistics is output, from which one can tell how many bankswere created or changed.
If errors occur, the affected banks are listed in an error log.
An additional detail list can be requested. It contains allsuccessfully changed or inserted banks.
The following data appears in both lists:

  • bank number

  • bank name

  • processing type (I=Insert, U=Change, D=Deletion flag)