SAP Program RFBVBIC2 - Report RFBVBIC2

This program uses the global bank directory in the BIC+IBAN format toimport files, compares these files with existing bank data, and savesthe new and changed data in the bank master (BNKA table).

The file with the bank directory can be imported from the presentationserver (PC) or from the application server (host). When the reportcompares the data, it adds any new banks to the bank master, updatesbanks whose data has changed (such as addresses), and flags banks fordeletion if they are no longer valid. The system displays the changes inan ALV list. More details about the scope of features are described inthe next section for the individual parameters.


  • The "Upload From" and "Path and File Name" parameters determine the file
  • that is to be imported. You can use the F4 Help to select the file inthe directory tree - also when you upload from the application server.
    • The "Country Key" selection option restricts the quantity of data
    • imported from the file to the countries that you specify. This can, forexample, be used to split the countries into groups for processing inmultiple program runs with different import parameters. If you do notspecify a country, the system processes all the data records from thefile whose ISO country code matches the two-character ISO country codeof a country set up in the SAP system. The system alsouses the ISO country code for assigning data records for the country keythat you entered. Since the same ISO code can appear for more than onecountry in the SAP system, you need to uniquely specify the correctcountry in this selection option, or exclude the other country. If youdo not do so, the system issues an error message in the results list andthe related data is not processed.
      • Checkbox "Countries with Bank Key Type X": If you deselect this
      • checkbox, you exclude certain countries from processing. These countriesare those defined in the bank directory with key types 1, 2, 3, and 4 in
        country-specific checks.
        • Checkbox "Test Run": If you select this checkbox, the system does not
        • update the data in the database when you execute the report. In a testrun, the system processes the data and displays the planned changes in alist. The database is not updated.
          • Checkbox "Lock Bank Master For Update": If you select this checkbox, the
          • system sets a global lock on the database table BNKA in the bank masterduring the update. Local locks for individual table entries are notpossible as these slows the system performance. When you set the globallock, other users or programs are prevented from making changes to thebank master while the program is running.
            • Checkbox "ALE Distribution": If you select this checkbox, the system
            • distributes the created or changed bank data to other systems or clientsaccording to the distribution model that has beenset up.
              • Checkbox "Delta Upload": If you select this checkbox, the system imports
              • only the delta file instead of the full BIC+IBAN file. If you haveselected this checkbox, the system does not compare the imported datawith the entire bank master, but only with banks that have matching keyinformation (bank number and SWIFT, see also the text for checkbox "UseBIC Record Key"). Only the banks that are labelled with the modificationflag "D" (Delete) in the file are flagged for deletion. If you do notselect this checkbox, the system also flags all banks for deletion thatare not in the file. In the compatibility mode, the delta upload is notsupported (see the text for checkbox "Compatibility Mode").
                • The parameter "Bank Key for Type 4" determines which data (fields) in
                • the file is used as a bank key. The following variants are possible:
                  BIC Code (SWIFT): The bank key comprises the "Unique BIC" and the"Unique BIC Branch" fields. The bank key thus has the same value as theSWIFT field in the SAP master record.
                  Bank Number (National ID): The bank key is the value in the "UniqueNational ID" field, as if bank key type 1 were set up for each country.The bank key thus has the same value as the "Bank Number" field in theSAP master record. This can be useful, for example, if the bank key typeis changed from 1 to 4, but the current bank data has not yet beenreorganized or deleted.
                  BIC Code/Bank Number: This is a combination of the first two variants.The system imports all banks with a unique BIC first. Next, the systemadds banks to the bank data that already have a BIC but a different banknumber. The system uses the bank number as the bank key for these banks.
                  Bank Number/BIC Code: The system imports the banks in the same way asthe previous variant, but the bank number takes priority. The systemimports all banks with a unique bank number first, and then adds thebanks where the BIC is missing.
                  BIC Record Key: The system imports all banks that are in the BIC+IBANfile. We recommend that countries do NOT use this setting if the banknumber is a fixed part of the account number, but saved separately inthe bank master (for example: France, Italy, Spain, Portugal). The banknumber assigned to a BIC record key can change if there is a new fileversion (for example, another branch of the same bank). This would makeall the corresponding account numbers invalid.
                  • Checkbox "SEPA Mode (IBAN BIC)": If you select this checkbox, the system
                  • imports the "IBAN BIC + IBAN BIC Branch" fields instead of "Unique BIC +Unique BIC Branch". The IBAN BIC is a BIC code that is specified withthe IBAN. This can differ from the BIC of each branch, for example, ifthe BIC of the HQ is to be specified with an IBAN.
                    • Checkbox "Only Banks with BIC (SWIFT)": If you select this checkbox, the
                    • system imports only data records from the BIC+IBAN file that have a BIC(even if the bank number is used as a bank key).
                      • Checkbox "Only BICs Connected to SWIFT Network": If you select this
                      • checkbox, the system excludes all data records that have a BIC that isnot connected to the SWIFT network (with a "1" as the 8th character).
                        • Checkbox "Use IBAN Country Code": If you select this checkbox, the
                        • system uses the IBAN country code for the bank assignment. The countrykey of the bank can differ from the IBAN country code, for example, inJersey (JE and GB) or Réunion (RE and FR). If you select the checkbox,the system saves the bank using the IBAN country code (for example, abank from Jersey is saved with country code GB).
                          • Checkbox "Use BIC Record Key": If you select this checkbox, the system
                          • saves the BIC record key in the BNKA-BICKY field. Since this field isnot available in all SAP systems (depending on the installedcomponents), this checkbox is not always ready for input. The BIC recordkey can help during the delta upload to uniquely identify the relevantbank (see the text for checkbox "Delta Upload"), without the need forcomparing the corresponding bank number and BIC.
                            • Checkbox "Compatibility Mode RFBVBIC_0": If you select this checkbox,
                            • the system uses the subroutines for data comparison and the results listfrom the older program.
                              • Checkbox "Use Branch Code XXX for HQ": If you select this checkbox, the
                              • system uses the dummy branch code XXX from the file (sometimes occurs inthe BIC+IBAN file at the HQ of some banks) to increase the 8-characterBIC to the full 11 characters, for example, NDEASESSXXX. If you do notselect this checkbox, the system transfers the BIC without the branchidentifier, for example, NDEASESS. This parameter does not affect thefull 11-character BICs. These are always transferred in full, forexample, NDEASESSA21. You can use this parameter, for example, to importanother national bank directory in addition to the BIC+IBAN file, andwhere the dummy ID XXX is not used. This avoids duplicate entries whereone has the XXX ID and the other does not.
                                • Checkbox "Set Deletion Flag": If you select this checkbox, the system
                                • flags banks for deletion that are no longer valid in the SAP system. Thesystem finds these banks when it compares the imported data with thecurrent bank master. Alternatively, it flags these banks for deletionduring a delta upload if they are flagged with the modificationindicator "D" in the file.
                                  • Checkbox "For Own Data Records Only": If you select this checkbox, you
                                  • restrict the quantity of banks flagged for deletion to those that werecreated with this program. The system uses the version indicator(BNKA-VERS field) to recognize these banks. The default value is "BIC"(in compatibility mode only) or "BI2". However, you can use this for anyversion indicator by entering the text element VER in program RFBVBIC2.

                                    The system displays the bank master changes in an ALV list. If youdouble click a changed bank, the system displays the old and new valuesto enable a comparison.
                                    The system displays a summary of each country at the end of the changeoverview. This contains the total figures of the banks that have beenadded, changed, or flagged for deletion. Alternatively, it contains anerror message if the data of a particular country could not beprocessed.
                                    "No data selected": There were no banks for this country in the file. Toavoid this message, you need to exclude this country by using theselection parameter "Country Key".
                                    "ISO country code not unique": There is more than one
                                    country that has the same ISO country code. You must set up the ISOcountry code uniquely, or use the selection parameter "Country Key" touniquely determine the correct country or to exclude the other country.
                                    "There is no ISO country code": The country was not excluded fromprocessing and no ISO country code was set up. To avoid this message,you need to exclude the country by using the selection parameter"Country Key", or by entering an ISO country code.
                                    "Select the bank key type": You did not exclude the country fromprocessing, nor did you select a bank key type (key for the bank di
                                    rectory). To avoid this message, you need to exclude the country byusing the selection parameter "Country Key", or by
                                    entering a key for the bank directory.
                                    "Incorrect bank key type (x)": You did not exclude the country fromprocessing, nor is the bank key type supported or excluded by thesettings on the selection screen.


                                    • The checkboxes on the selection screen are not specific to a particular
                                    • country. The dummy branch code XXX is, for example, must be used in onecountry but is not required in another. However, it is not possible toselect the checkbox "Use Branch Code XX for HQ" specifically for aparticular country. In this case, you need to import the file in twoprogram runs. In the first run, you need to select the checkbox andrestrict the processing to the countries that require code XXX. In thesecond run, deselect the checkbox and exclude the countries that were inthe first run. You do not need to split the file since only the requiredcountries are imported.
                                      • Some banks use the bank number of their HQ for all branches, but the
                                      • SWIFT (BIC) differs. The bank key in the SAP system is the bank number(type 1) for each country, which means that you cannot save allbranches. However, the missing SWIFT codes are necessary for foreignpayments. In this case, change the bank key type to 4. The existing bankdata does not need to be reorganized. The bank key of the banks alreadyin the system remains as the bank number. The missing banks are added,whereby the SWIFT code is used as the bank key. You need to set theparameter "Bank Key for Type 4" to "Bank Number/BIC Code" when youimport the data.
                                        • Some banks use the SWIFT code (BIC) of their HQ for all branches, but
                                        • the bank number differs. The bank key in the SAP system is the SWIFTcode (type 4) for each country, which means that you cannot save allbranches. However, the missing bank numbers are needed for domestic banktransfers. In this case, you can add the missing branches, whereby thebank number is used as the bank key. You need to set the parameter "BankKey for Type 4" to "BIC Code/Bank Number" when you import the data.
                                          • We recommend that you always import the full BIC+IBAN files. If you
                                          • import only one delta file, note the following: A delta file containsonly the changes of the last full version of the file. This makes itmore difficult to assign the imported data to the data that is alreadyin the SAP system since the appropriate bank key needs to be found.Therefore, you need to select the "Delta Upload" checkbox to ensure thatthe program uses the special logic for delta files. If, for example, thebranch address of a bank changes, and that bank has 12 branches, andonly the HQ is saved in the SAP system because all 13 banks have thesame bank number, then the program must recognize that this change is tobe ignored since the affected branch is not in the system. Without thespecial logic, the HQ address would be changed since the bank keymatches. The same logic is also used for other types of change such asthe creation or deletion of a new branch.
                                            • You are planning to transfer funds to a country as a SEPA payment only,
                                            • where the current bank key type is 1 (bank number). In this case, youneed to select the "SEPA Mode (IBAN BIC)" checkbox. This ensures thatthe SWIFT code used with the IBAN in a payment is correct. Reason: Somebanks use a separate SWIFT code for some branches. This SWIFT code isused for foreign payments along with the national account number.However, the SWIFT code specified with the IBAN (often the SWIFT code ofthe HQ) often does not match. Therefore, in situations like the above,you can enter the IBAN SWIFT code for all branches to ensure that thepayments contain the correct combination of IBAN and BIC.
                                              • The system imports fewer records that there are in the BIC+IBAN file.
                                              • When you import the data, the system skips several records for thefollowing reasons:
                                                A record is flagged with the modification flag D (Delete). This type ofrecord is processed only during a delta upload.
                                                A record is flagged with a business code that does not signify a bank(BEID, CORP, MCCO, TRCO, SWIF).
                                                A record belongs to a country that was excluded from processing on theselection screen.
                                                A record was excluded because of another parameter, for example: "OnlyBanks with BIC (SWIFT)"
                                                A record does not contain any unique key information (such as multiplebanks with the same bank number).