SAP Program RFBVAT_0 - Austrian Bank Data Transfer

The program is used for transferring the bank directory for banks inAustria (stored in a file in ASCII format) into the SAP system (tableBNKA).
The file must have a line structure, i.e. it must contain carriagereturns.

The program compares the data from the input file with the data thatalready exists in the SAP system and carries out the followingactivities:
If the bank data does not exist in the SAP system, the data istransferred from the input file. Only the "Institution name 1", "Banknumber", "Postal code" and "City name" fields are transferred.
If the bank data does exist in the SAP system, then it is updated ifthere are any changes when compared with the data from the input file.During this process, only the "Institution name 1", "Postal code" and"City name" fields are compared.
If a bank which is marked with a deletion flag in the SAP system wasdelivered in the input file, then the deletion flag (BNKA-LOEVM) isdeactivated again (a blank is entered).
If the "Mark for deletion" parameter is activated, then banks which areno longer valid (do not exist in the input file) are marked with thedeletion flag (BNKA-LOEVM) and can then be reorganized.
No banks are deleted. The programs "Reset Bank Data" (SAPF023) and "FIBank Master Data Archiving" (SAPF061) are used to do this.
The bank number is taken as the key in table BNKA.
Only one data record is transferred for each bank number. If severaldata records with the same bank number exist, then standard practice isthat the first data record is transferred from the input file.
Users can set the selection criteria themselves by means of a userexit. The name of the function module called is EXIT_RFBVEXIT_001. Thecustomer enhancement can be realized using transaction CMOD and is thenprogrammed in the ZXFBVU01 include.
The program can be started in test mode (without updating the BNKAfile) or in production mode (with updating the BNKA file).
The number of records to be read from the UNIX file can be limited fortest purposes.

Statistics are generated so that you can see how many banks werecreated or changed.
A detailed list can also be requested. It contains all banks which werechanged successfully or added.
Record layout description:
Field,,Contents,,Length in Bytes (From-To),,
1,,Postal code,,4,,,,,,,,,,(001-004)
2,,Internal Code,,1,,,,,,,,,,(005-005)
3,,City Name,,50,,,,,,,,(006-055)
An "*" marks all institutions which have
banking hours on less than 3 working
days per week
5,,Institution name 1,,60,,,,,,,,(057-116)
6,,Institution name 2,,60,,,,,,,,(117-176)
"Institution name 1" continuation.
7,,Institution name 3,,20,,,,,,,,(177-196)
"Institution name 2" continuation.
8,,Bank number,,5,,,,,,,,,,(197-201)
9,,Internal Code,,1,,,,,,,,,,(202-202)