SAP Program RFBUST10_P - Cross-Company Code Tax


  • For cross-company code postings, the total tax is only displayed and
  • posted in the first company code. The tax arising in the other companycodes is not considered. In some countries, (for example, Japan orDenmark), the tax amounts involved must be shown separately in eachcompany code.
    • The report generates a list of the tax amounts involved. These can be
    • transferred automatically at a later date.
      • When you start the report, you select the company code for which tax is
      • to be posted. You can use the fiscal year and period (or posting date)to restrict the number of documents to be taken into account. The taxamounts are either calculated using the tax code or are calculatedproportionately.
        • The parameter "Summarize sessions" controls the level at which the
        • transfer postings (batch input sessions) are summarized:
          0: All postings are summarized in one session.
          1: All postings from one company code are summarized.
          2: All company codes from one company code that are to be transferredto a specific company code are summarized.
          3: All company codes from one company code that are to be transferredto a specific company code are summarized, but a session is created foreach tax code.
          • The parameter "Transfer posting type" determines whether in the first
          • company code, the input tax to be credited (output tax) should bereduced, or whether it should be posted as ouptut tax (input tax). Ifyou select this field, the input tax (output tax) is reduced.
            • You can calculate tax proportionately by setting the parameter
            • "Calculate tax proportionately". Otherwise the tax is calculated fromthe tax base amount using the tax percentage rate.
              • If you activate the parameter "Calculate value date", the following
              • method of calculating the average value date is activated:
                Using a time interval from day A to day B entered in the report, youcalulate the difference between B and X (in days) for all documents andtheir items per tax code, and then multiply this difference by therelevant tax amount. The resulting amounts are totaled and divided bythe total of the tax amounts of all documents.
                This result is the evaluated number of daysrelative today B.
                The absolute value date is then day B, minus the evaluatednumber of days.
                The following special cases should be considered:
                If the report is restricted by posting periods, the lower and upperlimits are calculated automatically by the program.
                If X is smaller than A, X is replaced by (A - 1) (A minus one day).
                If X is larger than or equal to B, X is replaced by B.


                • The relevant company codes must have the same local currency.

                • You can make the Customizing settings in the Financial Accounting
                • Implementation Guide under Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Taxon Sales/Purchases -> Posting -> TransferPosting of Tax for Cross-Company Code Postings.
                  • The fields are as follows:

                  • VBUKRS: First company code
                    ABUKRS: Second company code
                    VMWSKZ: Tax code in original document
                    AMWSKZ: Tax code for posting the input tax reduction/output tax in thefirst company code.
                    SMWSKZ: Tax code for posting the proportionate tax in the secondcompany code.
                    • If the same tax code is used in all company codes involved, instead of
                    • specifying the company codes individually, you can enter "+" for fieldsVBUKRS and ABUKRS.
                      • The offsetting posting for the tax item is mad to the company code
                      • clearing account. This account should therefore be relevant for tax andpermit postings without tax.
                        • Note:

                        • You should not run the report more than once for the same period.