SAP Program RFBKLIRL - Limit Editing

The report "RFBKLIRL" is used to edit account limits.

A limit must exist for the account to enable you to display(Transaction "F9KGDISP - Display limits") or delete (Transaction"F9KGDEL - Delete limits") it. If the limit was changed for theaccount, it still has to be released (Transactions "F9KG - Releaselimits").

Depending on the transactions called up, you can release, delete ordisplay the limits for one or more accounts.

In the selection screen there are no mandatory fields. If nothing isspecified, then all account limits to still be released from allavailable bank area are displayed. The selection can be limited byspecifying bank areas, account numbers and products as well as thebusiness partner.
Using the "Free Selection" button, you can make a clearer distinctionas to which accounts the limits should be released.

The transaction "F9KGDISP" issues a list of the limits of the selectedaccounts.