SAP Program RFBKINTEREST_INDIV - Individual condition


Display of individual conditions, positions, interest, charges, orvalue dates
This report lists the information for individual conditions according tointerest/charges, or value dates for each account and bank area.
If required, you can also display parts from the condition headers.
You can navigate to the data display for an account interactively.

The selected individual conditions must exist for the account during theselected period of time.

Bank Area: A list is generated for eachbank area.
Account Number from/to External account number.
( If you only enter Account Number From, only the one account numberis selected.)
Period from/to From: Required entry
( If you do not enter any data, the system selects up to 31.12.9999.)
Radio button for interest/charges/value dates.
Layouts SAP1: Information for interest.
SAP2: Information for charges.
SAP3: Information for value dates.
SAP4: All existing information (standard)

The list comprises the list header and list body.
The title and the selected variant (interest/charges/value date) areoutput in the list header.
In addition, the list contains the bank area and the current creationdate of the list.
The list body contains the fields External Account Number, Valid From,Valid To, the text for the individual conditions, and the DDIC names ofthe selected fields.
The list is sorted according to the external account number and theValid From date.
The column width is automatically optimized. Key fields are displayed inblue.